Ryan International School


Our vision is to be a premier global educational Institution which develops the human resource for our dynamic and expanding community, the state, the nation, the region and the world at large. Under mentorship of our Chairman Sir Dr. Augustine F. Pinto and Managing Director Madam we strive for development of global citizens-individuals with self-confidence who are able to contribute to community life, build tolerance & accountability and are able to deal with emotional and spiritual quotients. The delivery of curriculum by incorporating activities based on the Multiple Intelligences theory of Howard Gardner, professor at Harvard University that leads to literacy, inquiry, creativity, and critical thinking. Our expertise is in enhancing widespread interest in the sphere of quality education with commitment to excellence, providing opportunities to enable young people to be best positioned, consequent to their education in our school.

Message Board

Quite simple yet bearing the semblance of sublime, the beautiful set of words “ Nothing succeeds like success”  I am extremely rejoiced at countless occasions of achievements here at Ryan. This constant habit of doing so has given me extraordinary vitality and strength. Right from the little Montessori darlings to our class- XII we are indeed proud of all the efforts of our students and feel blessed at their extra-ordinary achievements and the efforts of all the staff alike.I am greatly indebted to the lamp post of my inspiration, our pioneer visionaries “Hon’ble Chairman Sir A. F. Pinto, Managing Director Madam Grace Pinto  whose zeal, positivity, innovation and above all soul of philanthropy to shape out the best in an individual relentlessly keep & guiding us to achieve celebrate and be more confident & agile. We pray to the Almighty to keep us in his graces and lead us on to greater heights

Ms. Jyoti Rana

School re-opens on 04.07.2016

Student Group


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  • About Us

Times Newspaper in Education (Times NIE) is a novel program that helps students ‘Stay Ahead’ and aims at making ‘Learning Fun’. It introduces concepts that help individual growth and development beyond school curriculum.

A brainchild of The Times of India, the world’s leading English newspapers, Times NIE nurtures progress and innovation. Adapted from the international concept, Times Newspaper in Education program (Times NIE) was initiated in India in 1985.

Today we have over 3000 schools and over 9 lac students subscribing to the programme, spanning 16 cities viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kochi, Lucknow, Coimbatore, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, and Jaipur.

The Times of India Student edition, a customized student newspaper exclusively for the students, packs a powerful punch in terms of content that leads to a smarter and superior learning experience. The information is crafted such that it finds use in classroom discussions, thus making it relevant and current. It truly gives education a new dimension by fostering the simple habit of reading which in turn paves the way for a confident, informed and aware individual. A newspaper that inspires young minds and equips them to face challenges of today’s world, making way for global citizens.

Empowering students with new cutting-edge knowledge through various educative and informative activities is a commitment and tradition of Times NIE. The programme serves as a catalyst of education and interaction, as well as a window into the minds of the quintessential Indian youth. On a significant scale Times NIE comprises diverse interesting activities and events that boost the child’s passion for learning, while revealing hidden talent.

While you are aware that The Times of India is among the leading English Newspapers across the world, it has consummated its position as an everlasting winner. With several international awards and recognitions to its credit, The Times of India and Times NIE have validated an enduring tradition of setting the highest benchmarks in every respect. We have been awarded with the two most prestigious awards, Times NIE - World’s No.1 NIE program and The Times of India, Student Edition - World’s No.1 Newspaper for the youth in 2006 by the celebrated World Association of Newspapers (WAN). In 2008 we were honoured by the International Newspaper Marketing Association (INMA), yet another international recognition for ‘Youth Audience Development’. In 2013 we were again honoured by the celebrated World Association of Newspapers (WAN) as the ‘Times NIE - World’s Best Youth Engagement Program’.

Times NIE has grown remarkably over the last three and a half decades, touching millions of children across more than 16 Indian cities. Our absolute commitment towards the fledgling generation remains undiluted and our greatest strength lies in the school partnership and commitment.

  • Times NIE World Awards



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