Where To Find Peace? Discuss

    • deebashree.mohanty@timesgroup.com
    • Publish Date: Aug 18 2017 1:13PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Aug 18 2017 5:02PM
Where To Find Peace? Discuss

Peace has always been among humanity’s highest values — for some, supreme. Yet, we agree little on what is peace. Perhaps the most popular view is as an absence of dissension, violence, or war.  Peace, however, is equated with concord or harmony and tranquillity. Times NIE students tell you what peace means to them and whether they find it in God 

Doing the right thing brings me peace. Sometimes, acceptance of the situation and letting troubles of the mind and heart go away, helps us to find peace within. The concept of God, as the creator or the supreme energy of the universe makes me feel secure. I know there is someone out there who is guiding us all to be on the right path.

— Gobindpreet Singh, XI, Lucknow Public Collegiate   

To be honest, I find peace in being myself. I am satisfied that I have given my 100% to my endeavours and graciously accept the results. Praying to God might bring peace to some who feel that there is a supreme being. But if you don’t give it your all, no God can help you. So, give your best at all times.

— Madhav Chadha, class XI, Bhavan Vidyalaya, Chandigarh

I find peace in Karma, which is the ultimate reality of life. Everything else is secondary. The law of karma is said to be postulated by God. And for this reason, we find peace in God. We all find peace in his preaching’s on humanity and karma.

— Kartik Joshi, class XII, Maharaja Agrasen Vidyalaya, Ahmedabad

The belief that someone above is watching, guiding and protecting me, gives a lot of peace. When I go through an adversity, I perceive it as another one of God’s tricks which will ultimately result in my favour. I look at him as the most impartial judge who will give me the appropriate reward for my efforts, a friend with whom I can vent out my feelings, and a teacher or parent who will guide me when I’m lost. 

— Nethra Natarajan, class X, NPS, HSR, Bengaluru

Peace is a term that is used as a canopy to cover various words and expressions that may have varied meanings. To me, peace is more of a state of being which is caught in perfect moments and unforgettable memories. 

— Sakshi Arora, class X, Treamis World School, Bengaluru


Peace can be defined as a state of mind that gives you the assurance there is someone to share your burden and to hear your grievances. This is why I find peace in God because for me he is someone who always makes himself available to listen to me when I am in distress. 

— Megha Joshy Mathew, Class XII KV, Thiruvanthapuram

Peace is when I have made it to the end of the day in a healthy and happy manner. When I have done my duty, I feel content about it. I don’t believe we can find peace in God. According to me, it is just a myth. I feel that peace is something you have to bring to yourself, all by yourself. 

— Priyanka Gore, class X, Indira National school, Pune

The conflict regarding faith in God is subjective. If somebody finds mental peace and strength of mind by believing in God, I respect that attitude. But don’t believe in something just because someone advised you to do so. 

— Anuradha Poddar, class XII, The BSS School, Kolkata

Eternal bliss is an extraordinary state, rarely achieved. To me peace means mental, physical and emotional detachment from all mundane things. This detachment would enable me to be the best irrespective of circumstances. Detachment is also a state devoid of fear, anxiety and gloominess. It is a difficult path towards this state of mind but faith is the only guide. I believe in a superior power and that faith in him keeps me going. I also believe that this faith is not to be compared with any religion.  

 — Sanandi Naik, class X, Pawar Public school, Pune

To believe something one has to feel its presence or experience it. Similarly, to have faith in God or to find peace in him, one has to accept his presence. I do believe in him and hence find peace. His divine presence around acts as a guide to follow the path of righteousness.  

— Sriya Kundu, Class XII, DPS Newtown, Kolkata

Ifind peace in music. Whenever I feel down and out, it is good music that I seek. Through music, I discover a part of myself every day. I sing aloud whenever I feel lost. It is this faith in musical notes that keeps me going. I don’t have faith in any superior power because I haven’t seen any. And I won’t believe in what I cannot see. Inner peace is something that can be found from within. One needs to be in touch with his/her spiritual side to discover this inner peace.

— Parth Shukla, class XI,  Anand Niketan, Ahmedabad 

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Krutika Agrawal The Millennium School

Every night, before I go to bed, I just close my eyes and think about my whole day in utmost silence. I think about the actions taken by me and the things that I should have avoided. My time with myself provides me with peace. It is no less than meditation to me. When I start thinking, more and more thoughts come to my mind and I think over them calmly. As this is just a conversation with self and there is no one to oppose, disturb or interrupt, I find all my peace in this time!

Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

Peace can be found inside everybody''s soul. Because I believe God is a part of our soul than our appearance. A honest life with lovable people will add peace to your life. Positivity is also very important. Believe on the eternal power to attain a peace of mind. Happy beginning!


The quietness of nature is a simple way to find immediately silence or peace . The background noise of the wind blowing, animals bustling about, and your phone turned off, helps the mind to relax on nothingness and also by Participating in acts that encourage meditation




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