TOIStudents' Take On Digital And Manual Learning

    • Sneha Bhattacharjee
    • Publish Date: Aug 26 2016 11:29AM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Aug 26 2016 3:58PM
TOIStudents' Take On Digital And Manual Learning

Role of technology in our life is as vital as how we eat, drink, sleep, breathe. While it was limited to professional use earlier, its penetration has reached deeper than we can imagine. Back in school, the only source of technology available to us was the computers in our computer room. Teaching involved interaction with teachers and students, jotting down notes from the blackboards, debates and discussions.  Today, while this method of teaching still exists, it has been supplemented with digital media. You have smart classrooms where you are not just taught by word of mouth but also shown detailed aspect of study through projectors and screenings. While we all know that technology is here to stay, but are we adept enought to tap into the potential of digital classrooms? 

Some of our TOIStudents feel - "Smart classrooms help understand the concepts better"

I prefer smart classrooms as they are more interesting to learn in, in this technology-savvy world. It is really boring studying in ancient classrooms, referring to textbooks which are long outdated. Smart classrooms enhance the child's creativity and learning as one would understand concepts better by watching videos and through other forms of smart learning. 
Neel Mulay, class IX, Greenwood High, Bengaluru

I prefer smart classrooms as it helps in understanding concepts better using tools. Moreover, you can always increase or decrease the fonts on the screen, this does not let us strain our eyes more. 
Nikhil Anup, class VII, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Chennai

I feel students should have access to technology which enables them to learn at their own pace. The traditional method forces everyone to just listen passively and learn at the same pace. Neither of those are natural for students. Today students use digital aids to learn, and this will save the teacher's time and energy, which can be used in conducting meaningful discussions and helping students who are struggling. While teachers can never be replaced by a digital aid, their role will surely enhance
Rujul Gandhi, class XI,  Kalmadi High School & Junior College, Pune

Smart classes are fun as it is easy to remember when we get to see what is being taught to us. Further, we get to explore the topic more and helps in understanding it better. You are more attentive even when a dull topic is being discussed. Books are not always very descriptive. But watching a video of a topic as we are taught about it is a different understanding. I cannot wait for the day when we will be carrying ipads to school instead of a heavy bag full of books. 
Zahabiya Kutubuddin, class VIII, Sacred Heart Matriculation, Chennai

Digitalised methods not only enhance the level of interaction in a classroom but the visual aid also helps attract and retain the attention of young learners. Teachers do not need to draw diagrams or write notes on the board, which saves a considerable amount of time. As these innovative ways are extremely engaging, students tend to grasp and remember information for long. There are a myriad of advantages of smart classes and I think that it is one of the best methods of learning as well as teaching. It is indeed a blessing for the students of the 21st century.
Hitanshi Thakkar, class IX, New Horizon Public School, Airoli 
Smart classrooms are a boon in today's generation. It has simplified conceptual learning to a great extent. One can grasp knowledge more easily and it also offers tons of activities pertaining to the syllabus. Conventional teaching styles restrict the explanation process and the accuracy of the content provided by a teacher isn’t credible enough. Nonetheless, there is a lot of room for development as the digital aids need to be more student-friendly in the future.   
Amish Agarwal, class X, Goldcrest High, Vashi

Old teaching methods are outdated now. With all the technology, one needs to understand the concept thoroughly and for that smart classrooms provide visuals and audios which actually helps student to understand the logic, science, concept behind the particular topic. Digital engagement actually gives a clear picture to everything and help students in better learning. 
Niharika Deshpande, class XII, Sakar School, Ahmedabad

While some other TOIStudents say - "No digital aid can replace a teacher"

I prefer the "old-school" board-and-chalk method of teaching. I feel as if using laptops and fancy equipment would obliterate the essence of studying. . When one studies, they open up their mind to accept new things, they come to school to learn and I feel having e-books or laptops will ruin that environment. The negative effects of staring at a screen all day are also a matter of concern. 
Diksha Jawa, class XI, Venkateshwar Global School, Delhi

I prefer the traditional method of teaching than smart classrooms. The teacher-student relationship in a traditional classroom gives it a personal touch. Smart classroom, in comparison appears mechanical and robotic. In the process, it can also become monotonous. Also, traditional classrooms are a tried and tested way that has ensured successful learning for centuries. Smart classrooms are still emerging. The digital engagement in a classroom definitely enhances learning as it includes auditory and visual learning. The use of powerpoint presentations and slideshows definitely make it interesting and engaging.
Lekhan Bandhyopadhyay, Class XI, Indus Valley World School, Kolkata

No audio-visual unit can match what a teacher can do. Isaac Asimov, in his book "The Fun They Had", writes about future schools- schools with computers as teachers, computers with slots for homework, etc. The students of that age then find their grandfather's diary, and read about old schools. It will be interesting to see how future kids might just have all computers as teachers and yet be inclined towards a 'human' teacher.
Manas Pimpalkhare, class XI, Kalmadi High School & Jr College, Pune
A lot is being said about the harmful radiation from mobile and computer screens. This surely puts a question mark on how safe a digital classroom is for the health. A traditional classroom, on the other hand appears a safer option. It is true that certain subjects like biology can be taught very well through the audio visual medium in a digital classroom. However, there is a chance of students being more interested in the gadgets rather than learning. So I feel the cons definitely outweigh the pros of a digital classroom.
Anshika Arora, class XI, Shri Shikshayatn School, Kolkata

There has to be a middle way wherein a teacher uses smart classes as an aid for students to visualise the concept but not rely on it completely. Smart classes can never replace the teachers. They are just an aid for better learning-teching process. We have smart classrooms in our school. It's fun especially for biology class. The digital aids help in retaining the visual image of the concept in your mind. But I prefer it for recapitulation, rather than actual learning. 
Asavari Singh, class X, Wisdom World School, Pune

I prefer old school method of teaching as according to me personal touch is required in education. We have advanced technologies that can help us in making discoveries or spreading education to remote areas but they can definitely not take place of teachers from whom we learn so much everyday. 
Tanvi Garg, class XII, Prakash School, Ahmedabad

I personally prefer the old school method of teaching. It establishes a bond and facilitates easy interaction and communication between the student and the teacher. On the other hand, the preferable method of teaching also varies from subject to subject. For instance, studying a subject like economics or science using the smart board is very interesting. The use of flow charts and illustrations help in clearing concepts and in remembering the content better. However, I dislike studying a practical subject like maths on the smart board. It becomes tedious, repetitive and dull which leads to loss of interest and concentration. Thus, digital engagement in classrooms can both enhance and hinder learning depending on the topics and subjects at hand.
Noor Kumar, class XII, Carmel Convent School, Chandigarh

There is nothing like the old school method of blackboards. It is the teachers who make the difference and not the equipment. Smart classrooms might be beneficial for understanding certain topics but it still cannot match what a knowledgable teacher can impart to her students. For us, who are always addicted to our phones, old school method of teaching is not just a good break from the screen but also a different learning experience.
Samiksha Manoj, class X, AMM Matriculation, Chennai

Meanwhile, the teachers say -  "Teacher has to act as the facilitator between digital and chalk and board'"

The old school method of teaching lets the teacher take the centre stage and the entire responsibility to deliver the concept effectively rests completely on her shoulders. Enter the smart classroom and one can understand why visual memories are considered as the strongest memories. Multimedia  lessons that are an amalgamation of videos, audio, images, photos, screenshots help the students understand by observation with a computer program running in the background. Here, the teacher can act as the facilitator. 
Archana Gakhar, teacher, Suraj Bhan DAV Public School, Delhi

I believe that a smart mentor's enthusiastic presence and involvement adds life to the lessons and helps students gain lasting knowledge. Smart classes can only facilitate the process, but it is the teacher who brings unique dimensions to a class and brings out the best in every child. Technology can be integrated into the learning process, but has to be used at the right time to benefit the child in learning. 
Sukanya Pal, Teacher, Treamis World School, Bengaluru

Smart classrooms offer a far greater exposure to the multifaceted learners of this century. A vast barrage of information on various topics is accessible with the click of the mouse. It also improves outcome and eases the pressure on teachers as they have access to a wider database. Paperwork is considerably reduced and communication with parents has become more forthright. I strongly believe that integrating technology with education will help us create global citizens who are not shackled by narrow domestic walls of the classrooms.
Arundhati Sengupta, teacher, Navy Children School, Mumbai

Colourful pictures stay in the brain for a longer time. We remember movies that we watch for years. So yes Digital aids certainly are useful in making lessons interesting. A video with audio can be understood by every type of learner in the class. But technology cannot replace human element entirely. 
Abira Sarkar, teacher, GGIS, Pune

Teaching should be interactive. A combination of both smart as well as traditional method of teaching works very well, since some concepts could be understood in a better way visually and help to reinforce and retain the concepts for a longer time. Digital aids help sustain the interest of the class. We need to actually take initiatives to modify our rigid education system. Digital aids help in self learning. By making it research oriented and also by asking children to search out information, both teacher and student learn from each other.
Megha Gupta, teacher, Vidya Valley School, Pune

‘What we learn with pleasure we never forget.’ -by Alfred Mercier brings out the current status of the education system. In today’s digital world, the classroom is not as critical as it was in the book-based learning. Digital learning has enhanced the learning powers of the learners. It has transformed the way children play, access information, communicate with each other and learn. The amalgamation of both types of teaching is the call of the day. 
Nancy Dutta, teacher, Kundan International School, Chandigarh

The purpose of education is not just making a student literate but adds rationale thinking, knowledge ability and self sufficiency. When there is a willingness to change, there is hope for progress in any field. Smart class is an effective way of teaching method. It can enhance traditional methods of learning but cannot replace the human touch. Ultimately, the quality of the class will depend solely on the quality of the teacher and not the presence of technology.
Dr. Meena Chouhan, principal, Somalwar CBSE School, Nagpur

Our expert says- "Onus lies on creators of digital aids"  
"Technology has to be adopted in a way that the new changes appear as harmless as possible. All stakeholders- teachers, students, schools, government- have to get involved in it. While technology is reducing the burden of teachers and helping them produce shining eyes, the onus lies with the designers of such technology, who will have to understand the teaching and learning process," says Mr Nirav Khambhati, CEO, Tata ClassEdge. "Teachers should not fear technology rather embrace it and use open education resources for improving child's learning. Meanwhile, the students need to keep in mind that technology cannot foster everything that they want to learn. They need to step out and collaborate rather than depend solely on technology," he adds. 
Do you think smart classrooms enhance learning? What do you prefer and why? Register and Share your views in the comments below


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Om Badiyani Sandipani

Smart classrooms do help us to understand things better by the animation which it provides. Students often get more interested in the topics and are keen to learn further. They also try to do the activities on their own. Whereas the concept of teachers teaching in classroom cannot be fully replaced. There should be a balanced combination for better understanding.


It''s true that No digital world can replace a teacher, but it''s also true that a teacher who is techno savvy can create a better visual based experience for children which will make them understand much better. So i prefer smart classroom with technology.

Himanshi Dhawan Saffron Public School

It is very well said that - "One can grab visual knowledge quite fast as compared to the textual one". And it holds true for all of us. Smart classes stand out to be a better way of teaching as compared to the traditional one as they provide learning using animation, videos, pictures etc. which makes even boring subjects such as History very interesting.


I have been a part of Smart classrooms using educomp services. They were rather useful for presentations and group activities, but the drawback was that many students used the modules as a source of entertainment. The lights being off, they would start talking instead of actually trying to understand something. And that was a very big distraction. So I prefer the old school method of teaching itself.


From my point of view these two great facilities of teaching should be combined and made great.As no one could match the understanding of visual and audio learning and the understanding of a teacher.These two teaching mathod should be combined which would result in betterment of the students.


A student would not understand it only the smart classes would be going on and nor understand it when the teacher is teaching only theoretically land not practically. So the smart classes and teacher should hand in hand. The teaching should be interactive. This will make the concept interesting and also make him understand the concept better

Kerin Pithawala S.G.M Shrioiya English School

I prefer manual learning. Learning is all about sparking curiosity and understand it. This can be done only by teachers as smart classrooms can''t conduct interactive sessions. This inculcates the habit of spoon feeding and also dwindle a student''s creativity .Another drawback is that it cannot solve student''s query according to each student''s need. Teachers teach things other than the curriculum which enhance all round development.




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