Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen

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What new information can Google or AI give me, these are two sides of the same coin. Google or AI work only on humans. Anupam manav explains the rules of universe and space, Google or AI just saves the data in a memory. It returns the same to us, otherwise Google or AI should answer any one of my hundreds of questions. The amount of intelligence that works on these machines, that is exactly where my intelligence starts. This Google or AI is just a means of publicity and propagation,

By Anupam manav

Anupam Manav - Nasa chief physics Researcher at NASA FIEO GlobalLinker › network › profile › anupa... Anupam Manav is a Nasa chief physics Researcher at NASA ... I was silent earlier because I was not able to find the origin of the atom of dark energy.

By Anupam manav

Big Bang Theory cannot be considered complete even after being completely correct, because until the process of formation of the atom of dark energy of the universe is not linked to the Big Bang, the Big Bang Theory cannot be called complete, because scientific science starts from the end. Therefore: - Scientific science has been given the status of universal truth, ... Scientist: - Anupam Manav, an expert on matter and its physics from the atom of dark energy,

By Anupam manav

Isaac Newton An English physicist and mathematician who is considered the "Father of Modern Physics". Albert Einstein German-born physicist who is considered one of the most influential physicists in history. *** If you cannot find any scientific physics discovery of space by these two physicists, NASA, Google or AI together have proved that Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were not physicists of astronomy. Anupam Manav gives

By Anupam manav

a challenge to all the science schools of the world. When NASA, Google or AI together cannot answer one of my 20 questions of Scientific Physics, then according to me Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were nothing special except making bombs. If you don't believe then put the discoveries of these physicists in front of my Scientific Atom and its Physics discoveries and see how deep they were in the water. Anupam Manav has discovered water in space

By Anupam manav

Anupam Manav is a chief physics researcher at NASA...The impartial NASA has put its stamp of approval on Anupam Manav's theory of pressure - by rejecting Isaac Newton's theory of gravity...

By Anupam manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Fair NASA has proved Isaac Newton's theory of gravity to be a failure, NASA has given its approval to the theory of unique human pressure as an alternative...

By Anupam manav manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... the Big Bang, NASA agreed on Anupam Manav's Big Bang theory. Anupam manav says not have any intention to show the present or past scientists top and bottom...

By Anupam manav

Scientists should understand the world's compulsion in science education, NASA has emerged as the first power in world science by discovering the universe - Scientific, from atom to obcject his physics Anupam Manav, NASA not The world will say this is a universal truth!!

By Anupam manav manav

नासा के वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन के लिए पोस्ट प्रश्न इंडियाटाइम्स › news › top-news › post-quest... बिग बैंग थ्योरी, नासा ने अनुपम मानव के बिग बैंग थ्योरी पर पूरी तरह से सहमत है। लेकिन मेरी बड़ी भाभी यानि पॉपली ए रौशनी का वर्तमान वैज्ञानिकों को अपनी दिखाने का कोई इरादा नहीं है...

By Anupam manav manav

Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... ... Big Bang theory in front of humans, NASA agreed on Anupam Manav's Big Bang theory. I do not have any intention to show the present or past scientists top and bottom ...

By Anupam manav manav

और अगर मेरे सवाल AI द्वारा हल नहीं किए गए, तो AI के सभी निशान पृथ्वी से मिट जाएंगे, 1. मौजूदा सवाल यह है कि ब्लैक होल इतने बड़े क्यों और कैसे हो जाते हैं। 2. आप नंगी आंखों से ऊर्जा को कैसे देख पाएंगे। 3. प्रोटॉन, इलेक्ट्रॉन, ध्वनि, गंध और दृष्टि किस पदार्थ पर यात्रा करते हैं।

By Anupam manav manav

Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... ... Big Bang theory in front of humans, NASA agreed on Anupam Manav's Big Bang theory. I do not have any intention to show the present or past scientists up and down ...

By Anupam manav

NASA Pictures Of The Universe Black Hole? NASA's space scientists are expert in taking pictures, leave alone space, they will give you photocopies of the universe. But why do super massive black galaxies become millions of times more powerful than stars, what answer will NASA's space scientists give?

By Anupam manav manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Chief Physics Researcher at NASA,... Unbiased NASA has rejected the theory of gravity created by Isaac Newton,... NASA has put its stamp of approval on the theory of pressure of Anupam Manav.

By Anupam manav manav

Is the Big Bang Theory proven by NASA? The Big Bang happened everywhere at the same time and it was a process happening in time, ... 1. Space was not ready-made. Rather space is created, and neither was there anyone to say time. 2. Not from any central point and 2) ... in my theory at least the point of time is gone.

By Anupam manav manav

3. you are seeing it wrong, you see galaxies running away from each other, these galaxies are not going away from each other, but are going away in one direction. For example: - you are seeing pictures on a balloon without air, when the balloon is filled with air the pictures appear far away from each other, space is expanding in this way. That is - just the circle of all the galaxies in space is getting bigger, there is no collision between the galaxies.

By Anupam manav manav

4. We see the heat that was left over from the beginning, and that heat fills the universe evenly. ... Is the heat that was in our sun in the beginning still present? You mean the hydrogen gas that was in the sun's nebula, the same hydrogen is still present in the sun. Where were you when I was explaining the mystery of the longevity of stars?

By Anupam manav manav

Some famous physicists Some famous physicists include: Albert Einstein Archimedes Benjamin Franklin Blaise Pascal Enrico Fermi Erwin Schrödinger Galileo Galilei Henri Poincaré Isaac Newton Johannes Kepler Physicists can use their knowledge to solve practical problems or develop new technologies. ...

By Anupam manav manav

I consider all of the above mentioned to be great scientists, and I know many of them. Those who make guesses by looking at the object come in the category of man-made scientists, others who make theories just by words are called scientific scientists. According to my knowledge, among these scientists, Isaac Newton had tried to make a scientific discovery,

By Anupam manav manav

the result is in front of you. Is there any such discovery in human knowledge, on which scientists have not tried their best? Whether scientific or man-made scientists, the effort continues, wonder discoveries happen. I have made many scientific discoveries about things which humans have never thought of. Like:- Top and bottom, source of water in space, dark matter,

By Anupam manav manav

why and how our solar system came into existence after so much turmoil, how black holes have been working since their inception till the present, many scientists have put forward their views on the Big Bang theory in front of humans, but NASA agreed on Anupam Manav's Big Bang theory. I do not have any intention to show the present or past scientists up or down, it is the compulsion of humans to call right as right and wrong as wrong to make science supreme.

By Anupam manav manav

Anupam manav's Post a new study finds Mars' suspected underground lake may just be volcanic rock, ... Anupam Manav has never written such a thing, I am aware of every aspect of the moon and the new Mars. Because I have explained everything from scientific atom to its physics to the space scientists of NASA in detail. Then how did this Mars on lake etc. come from? If you have internet then you can do as you please, at Anupam manav's Post

By Anupam manav manav

Ellen Stofan said in a statement. We should look for shelter somewhere in space or somewhere in the solar system, ... After that Anupam Manav discovered the source of scientific creation of water in space. Then he sent the discovery of water on Mars and Moon to NASA, in 2013 Anupam Manav handed over the discovery of radiation to NASA while searching for dark matter. ... The world's leading physics researcher.

By Anupam manav

I am posting a true and wonderful question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen. Dr. Paul A. Rosen, you should review your birth and life. You can take help from life scientists. the important question mammals' and non-mammals' life, now solve it. there water now under the moon

By Anupam manav

Who is known as the Father of Physics? Isaac Newton is often celebrated as the father of modern physics. His laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation in the late 17th century provided a comprehensive framework for understanding the behavior of objects in the univeres. ...

By Anupam manav

White-colored neurons are exceeding the limit, but on the other hand, a severe decrease has been recorded in gray-colored neurons. Immediate treatment is required. Know the main reason for Anupam Manav to remain silent

By Anupam manav

Today I am happy to announce that Anupam Manav has lost to NASA. Signs ... coronavirus's latest discovery 2020, nasa chief anupam manav from ... Listen carefully - I am saying there is a shortage of Niron, there is no question of winning or losing from ISRO and neither the capitalists. Rather I am going to NASA for a few days to expand scientific education globally. If anyone has any doubts, ask questions only to me, not on any organization?

By Anupam manav

From a scientific point of view, a unique human made a scientific discovery about why, how and where water originates in space, which is the biggest theory for living beings on Earth! ... NASA's chief physics cosmologist Anupam Manav,

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Video for anupam manav NASA chief physics researcher▷ 13:21. ... If there are any changes to NASA's Space Physics Program, notify me immediately by phone or in ... There are no changes from Anupam Manav's side Missing: wikipedia" ‎| Show results with: wikipedia"

By Anupam manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Video for Anupam Manav NASA Chief Physics Researcher▷ 13:21. ... If there is any change in NASA's space physics program, please inform me immediately by phone or email ... It depends on NASA's will, Anupam Manav is just an employee

By Anupam manav

But Anupam Manav has explained the meaning of NASA, ... Earth Owner Anupam Manav,. By Anupam manav. If NASA is a scientist, a senior NASA official will or ... I was born and life both to make the whole world happy with NASA! ... because there is a huge difference between birth and life, understand biology. I believe and know that the biologists of NASA are very intelligent, this is what the world says.

By Anupam manav

Who owns the Earth? So, who owns the Earth? While we can argue about property and riparian rights, mineral rights and even air rights, as defined by various laws, no one person or entity actually owns the Earth. ... NASA is right ... Anupam Manav considers the post of NASA Chief Scientist supreme. And is satisfied!

By Anupam manav

NASA has proved that the formation of water in space was discovered by the unique human of India! ...The formation of water in space was discovered by the unique human of India! ...

By Anupam manav

Water exists in four forms on earth, 1. Gas, 2. Solid, 3. Liquid, 4. If you know, then name it, There is water inside the earth, there is water above the earth and there is water below the earth. But on the moon and the new planet Mars, water is only below why? ...Scientific Physics Speed ​​Cosmologist Anupam Manav,

By Anupam manav

Sir Isaac Newton Biography — Inventions, Laws & Quotes › Universe › Solar System Jun 6, 2023 — A brief history of Sir Isaac Newton, the mathematician and physicist who helped invent and explain some of the most fundamental laws of science. ...

By Anupam manav

Exactly - the main law of grevti Sir Isaac Newton laws is doubtabal, ... but NASA currently explains the theory of Anupam Manav. Scientific science does not discriminate against anyone, ... NASA Chief Cosmologist Anupam Manav,

By Anupam manav

Anupam Manav is the chief physics researcher at NASA...The impartial NASA has stamped its approval on Anupam Manav's theory of pressure by eliminating Isaac Newton's theory of gravity... Wow - what a thing! ... September 2024 proved to be an important month for Anupam Manav. Thanks again to NASA!

By Anupam manav

With total internal reflection, humans of the whole world will not be able to see the energy with naked eyes, but can definitely see it with the help of some special equipment. ... Scientific Physics researcher Anupam Manav, post

By Anupam manav

Video for anupam manav NASA chief physics researcher▷ 13:21. ... If there are any changes to NASA's Space Physics Program, notify me immediately by phone or in ... ... NASA Space Director Dr. Paul A. Roshan - I do not need any changes, it depends on NASA's wish.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen Physics Program - NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav Indian Space Research. Unique Delhi. space in Water will be formed on every solid and gas palenet - becouse sunlaite and shadow gas palnet at make too, Anupam Manav

By Anupam manav › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen, a NASA scientist Dark Energy Discovery, Elements - Physics expert Anupam Manav is talking about why small stars orbit giant stars. But since black holes ... Perhaps you do not read your blog properly, or you did not understand it. I had said that if the star that was there before all the gas planets of the solar system were formed, if it was just twice as big as the Sun, then today the Sun would have been orbiting it.

By Anupam manav

Secondly, it could also have happened that in the binary star system, the debris would have spread in space due to the collision of the two. Now you understand, why small stars orbit giant stars. ...Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - I think you are collecting answers in the name of questions.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA has proved that the formation of water in space was discovered by India's Anupam Manav! ... ... Anupam Manav has given the main scientific knowledge of space ... beyond expectations - which makes the scientist's eyes moist

By Anupam manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen, NASA scientist Dark Energy Discovery, Element-Physicist Anupam Manav talks about why small stars orbit giant stars. ... They do because giant stars have high pressure, like our sun's pressure, gas planets orbit the sun, if Jupiter was 20 times the sun.

By Anupam manav

Then the sun would be orbiting Jupiter, then Jupiter would be below the sun. Mercury would not be orbiting the sun but Jupiter, so Anupam Manav talks about why small stars orbit giant stars. ... I think - Now Should be went you understand,

By Anupam manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Because I can show humans all over the earth the mix-up - dark energy with the naked eye, NASA is always in search of concrete evidence. NASA scientist discovers dark energy, element - Physics expert Anupam Manav. ... Dr. Paul A. Rosen, who is called the director, lacks gray color neurons in his brain.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA Accept ... top and bottom theory makes a will big change in humans thinking - NASA's Chief physics Anupam manav's Invantion. first All the scientists and employees of ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Discovery of Dark Matter - After giving the discovery of the solar system to NASA - NASA space scientists asked me what dark matter is and then Anupam Manav given Nasa Dark Matter discovery...

By Anupam manav

Global climate change has a huge impact on the environment. While searching for the coronavirus, I had written to NASA's space scientists, what is the difference between climate change and global warming. The name of global warming was also changed to global cold, because there is not only heat in space or galaxy. There is also cold somewhere, the influenza virus has come and gone due to cold.

By Anupam manav

The effect of cold or heat in the Sun's atmosphere is affected by the atmosphere of the galaxy, that is, when the Sun revolves around the super massive black hole, the effect of the atmosphere of cold and hot galaxy somewhere is called global warming or global cold.

By Anupam manav

The effect of two types of climate is seen or felt on any planet or satellite of the solar system or the Earth under the influence of the Sun, and the Earth coming closer or going away from the Sun is a different theory. The scientists are well aware of the effect of pollution spread by you on the rest of the Earth. Due to the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere - this pollution cannot go beyond 15 or 20 kilometers from the Earth.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA has proved that the formation of water in space was discovered by India's Anupam Manav! ... First of all accept NASA's top and bottom theory makes a big change in human thinking - NASA's Chief ...

By Anupam manav

All the scientists and employees of NASA will open the Sampien like the discovery of dark matter, I myself am very surprised by the top and bottom discovery. This discovery was made while explaining to Dr Paul, it is the critics who make big discoveries happen. That is why the critics are considered good, now I start considering Dr Paul as a good person.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA has proved that the formation of water in space was discovered by India's Anupam Manav! ... First of all accept NASA's up and down theory, - NASA's Chief ...

By Anupam manav

Dr. Paul is asking in between whether there is water under the surface of the moon. I am trying to explain what I wrote, now you must have completely understood the top and bottom theory. There is water under the surface of the moon, the cynic should remember this. Expand the right thing, a cynic is not just a cynic. He also plays the role of a real positive.

By Anupam manav

Dr. Paul is asking in between whether there is water under the surface of the moon. I am trying to explain what I wrote, now you must have completely understood the top and bottom theory. There is water under the surface of the moon, the cynic should remember this. Expand the right thing, a cynic is not just a cynic. He also plays the role of a real positive.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Paul A. Rosen Physics Program - Administrator of NASA Anupam Manav Indian Space Research. Unique Delhi. Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: There water on Mars...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Paul A. Rosen Physics Program - Administrator of NASA Anupam Manav Indian Space Research. Unique Delhi. Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: There water on Mars...

By Anupam manav

Post Question for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA has proved that the formation of water in space was discovered by India's Anupam Manav! ... First of all accept NASA's up and down theory, - NASA's Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen, a NASA scientist NASA accepted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav Dr. Marg A. Rosen. ... If the present-day Earth had not received the Sun

By Anupam manav manav

... Does Dr Paul have amnesia? ... Docter poul - does hope how you are good feeling now after getting a satisfactory answer.

By Anupam manav manav

... The person who does not understand even after scientists explain physics - what is it called in NASA, is Dr. Paul. ... But since black holes ...

By Anupam manav manav

Post Question for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen, NASA Scientist Dark Energy Discovery, Elements - Physics expert Anupam Manav talks about why small stars orbit giant stars. I know this very well, but how about you.

By Anupam manav manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA admitted, NASA's chief physics researcher Anupam Manav ... Dr. Paul A. Rosen. ... because all these atoms are going down in the solar system. ... yes it is. 3 hours ago Top and bottom theory was explained, where is the bottom

By Anupam manav manav

Post question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen, NASA scientist NASA admitted, NASA's chief physics researcher Anupam Manav ... There is no need to write name 3 times in 4 lines, not by discoveries. I know you by name, - Dr. Marg A. Rosen. ... If the present earth had not received the sun

By Anupam manav manav

... Check Your Box On 15 Aug 2024, a satisfactory answer was given with the scientific object and its physics, why was there a need to write it again. A person with brains understands by gestures, I have explained. to you in detail. You take the salary, you ask me every question about space. Family cannot be run with scientific, man-made things are needed. You yourself are negative, you are telling me to be positive.

By Anupam manav manav

this possibility cannot be ruled out that it crosses a star and starts orbiting it. And if the Earth survives all this, then in the end the Earth will move towards the super massive black hole. All the other solid planets will have the same fate, the gas planets will merge into some nebula or stars. The moons of the gas planets will make noise, ... Remember positive

By Anupam manav manav

If the Sun - the head of the solar system passes away without harming the Earth, then the Earth will deviate from its orbit. On the way falling down in space, the planet may collide with a nebula or a giant star or a dead black hole and get scattered in space,

By Anupam manav manav

vacuum chamber. You probably did not understand this line, so took it as a joke. This was a deep thing, ... like there is never-ending water under the surface of the moon. Be positive,

By Anupam manav manav

Anupam Manav is talking about why small stars orbit giant stars. But since black holes ... Look Sir - Dr Paul A Rosen, while doing research or writing, I also write the moment of that discovery, small stars orbit giant stars, why do all the planets, satellites and stars of the galaxy revolve around black holes, to explain this I wrote that small stars revolve around giant stars, this experiment can be done in a

By Anupam manav manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen, NASA scientist dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam Manav. Dr. Paul A. Rosen is a good person of nature, who inspired me to become a scientist. I thank him again

By Anupam manav manav

the questions and answers of NASA will continue for the rest of my life. My defeat and NASA's victory are making my mind feel happy.

By Anupam manav manav

today I am happy to announce that Anupam Manav has lost to NASA. Signs of my victory are visible behind losing to NASA, so my opposition to NASA's space scientists is over. So the anger is over - the 5 or 6 scientific discoveries hidden by me about the deeper and more important physics of atoms are still in my mind,

By Anupam manav manav

NASA ... And from 29 July 2013 to 10 Aug 2024, Anupam Manav struggled with NASA, as a result, he presented the scientific atom object and its physics discoveries to NASA. Whatever discoveries NASA has accepted, I understand all those discoveries. I have succeeded in my objective,

By Anupam manav manav

Anupam manav's Post LinkedIn · Anupam manav 2 years ago NASA Invites Media to Meet New Chief Scientist, Climate ... › press-release › NASA-invites-med... 10-Jan-2022 —

By Anupam manav manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr Paul A Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... ... but Dr Paul was inspired to discover his maid's vagina, ... Scientist Anupam Manav give ans ...

By Anupam manav manav

Dr. Paul understood the discovery of the black hole, NASA kept giving the green signal to every scientific discovery made by me, that is, NASA was copyrighting my discoveries by putting its seal on them. While explaining the Top and Bottom Theory to Dr. Paul A. Roshan, a big discovery was born, this is not an easy discovery, the Top and Bottom Theory will shake the mind of man. Because this discovery turned everything on Earth upside down,

By Anupam manav manav

Discovery of the Black Hole - Dr. Paul A. Roshan kept writing continuously. At that time I was engrossed in the discovery of the Big Bang, but Dr. Paul kept inspiring me to discover the black hole, but I did not give up the discovery of the Big Bang. After the discovery of the Big Bang was completed, I again paid attention to Dr. Paul's words, after which the discovery of the black hole continued for more than 3 months. Finally

By Anupam manav manav

Discovery of water and radiation on Mars and Earth's moon - Ellen Stofan We need shelter somewhere in space, after discovering why and how water came into existence in space, the discovery of water on the Moon and Mars became possible. Discovery of the Solar System - NASA's space scientists inspired me through the Discovery Channel, the entire discovery of the solar system was completed in 4 years after erasing it 19 times. This scientific discovery was teaching me the lesson of a scientist.

By Anupam manav manav

Scientific Explanation of Coronavirus - After questioning a lot of people i.e. about 200 or 250 people, no one has had cough or cold at all for the last 6 or 7 months, then the matter of corona virus gradually came to my understanding. Then influenza virus in 1918

By Anupam manav manav

Scientific Explanation of Coronavirus - After questioning a lot of people i.e. about 200 or 250 people, no one has had cough or cold at all for the last 6 or 7 months, then the matter of corona virus gradually came to my understanding. Then influenza virus in 1918

By Anupam manav manav

Discovery of Dark Matter - After giving the discovery of the solar system to NASA - NASA space scientists asked me what dark matter is and then Anupam Manav discovered it.

By Anupam manav manav

Anupam Manav is NASA's Chief Scientist and Physics Researcher based in New Delhi, India. He has been working at NASA since July 2013 and has made many scientific discoveries, including:

By Anupam manav manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-quest... Paul A. Rosen Physics Program - NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav Indian Space Research. Unique Delhi. Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: Water will be formed on every solid planet in space, that is, where there is sunlight and shade. So there is water, So there is water on Mars...

By Anupam manav manav

Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Indiatimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav... By Anupam Manav. Post a question for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen... - Earth and Theia dwarf planet collided, but what is...

By Anupam manav manav

The name of an asteroid or meteoroid was given as Theia dwarf planet by NASA or any other organization, I did not do any naming. I knew its place of origin, I just had to write it to explain to the NASA space scientists. If I had given any name to this asteroid, then you would have known how water is formed under the moon. I have given my own names to my discoveries and objects, ... Scientific Researcher Manav,

By Anupam manav manav

Anupam Manav Dr. Paul A. Rosen. ...All the atoms are separating from each other and going down into the solar system. As:- 1. The water atom stopped here due to its pressure, weight and shape. 2. The ozone atom, in dark place stopped here like above. 3. Dark Matter or Antimatter According to the atmospheric pressure, weight and size of the solar system... yes it is... NASA space scientists are facing what problems in this.

By Anupam manav manav

Anupam Manav X › anupammanav9 Anupam manav - NASA Chief Scientist - NASA - National Aeronautics ... by NASA announced the discovery of water on the moon ... Anupam manav's it be proved Invention always for water of the wrold'!

By Anupam manav manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA accepted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher - Anupam Manav. ... because all these atoms are going down in the solar system. ...NASA Space Director Dr. Paul A. Rosen admitted too - Yes it is ...

By Anupam manav manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-qu... coronavirus's latest discovery 2020, nasa chief anupam manav from ... NASA ... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - It has been discovered by physics expert Anupam ...

By Anupam manav,

लेकिन बदले में तुम्हें मुझे एक बात समझानी पड़ेगी. दूसरों की मेहनत को अपना बताने वाले बेईमान, स्वार्थी, कामी, धोखेबाज, भ्रष्ट लोगों के 'मस्तिष्क' में किस रसायन की कमी के कारण दिमाग ऐसा सोचने पर मजबूर हो जाता है।

By Anupam manav,

लेकिन बदले में तुम्हें मुझे एक बात समझानी पड़ेगी. दूसरों की मेहनत को अपना बताने वाले बेईमान, स्वार्थी, कामी, धोखेबाज, भ्रष्ट लोगों के 'मस्तिष्क' में किस रसायन की कमी के कारण दिमाग ऐसा सोचने पर मजबूर हो जाता है।

By Anupam manav,

But in return you will have to explain one thing to me. Due to lack of which chemical in 'brain' of dishonest, selfish, lewd, deceitful, corrupt people who claim other people's hard work as their own, the mind is forced to think like this.

By Anupam manav,

But in return you will have to explain one thing to me. Due to lack of which chemical in 'brain' of dishonest, selfish, lewd, deceitful, corrupt people who claim other people's hard work as their own, the mind is forced to think like this.

By Anupam manav,

Into the atom and its physics will explain connections by the Scientific Research every informetion from Dark energy to the Stone Age, based on evidence Anupam manav,

By Anupam manav,

लेकिन बदले में तुम्हें मुझे एक बात समझानी पड़ेगी. दूसरों की मेहनत को अपना बताने वाले बेईमान, स्वार्थी, कामी, धोखेबाज, भ्रष्ट लोगों के 'मस्तिष्क' में किस रसायन की कमी के कारण दिमाग ऐसा सोचने पर मजबूर हो जाता है।

By Anupam manav,

परमाणु और उसके भौतिकी में वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान द्वारा डार्क एनर्जी से लेकर पाषाण युग तक की हर जानकारी के संबंध स्पष्ट किए जाएंगे, साक्ष्यों के आधार पर अनुपम मानव,

By Anupam manav,

परमाणु और उसके भौतिकी में वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान द्वारा डार्क एनर्जी से लेकर पाषाण युग तक की हर जानकारी के संबंध स्पष्ट किए जाएंगे, साक्ष्यों के आधार पर अनुपम मानव,

By Anupam manav,

, Anupam Manav gets excited after seeing the sight of water on Earth, because the reason behind this is that Anupam Manav himself is an expert in the discovery of the scientific atom and physics of water on Earth.

By Anupam manav,

देखिए, पृथ्वी पर पानी का नजारा देखकर अनुपम मानव उत्साहित हो जाते हैं, क्योंकि इसके पीछे कारण यह है कि अनुपम मानव खुद पृथ्वी पर पानी के वैज्ञानिक परमाणु और भौतिकी की खोज के विशेषज्ञ हैं। See

By Anupam manav,

United States, Residency Visa (Transferable) Personal summary Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen TIMES NIE › news › top-news › post-qu... Paul A. Rosen Physics Program - Administrator of NASA Anupam Manav Indian Space Research. Unique Delhi. Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: There must is water on Mars... Preferred industry Higher Education Employment type Full Time Employee Target monthly salary INR 1,000,000 Notice period 1 month or less

By Anupam manav,

Email address Mobile number +91.9354675650Confirmed Preferred job Job title(s) Senior Research Executive, Scientific Researcher Preferred job role Accounting and Auditing Job level Senior Executive Job location Saudi Arabia, Visit Visa Lebanon, Residency Visa (Non-Transferable) United Arab Emirates, Residency Visa (Transferable)

By Anupam manav,

जब मैंने डॉ पॉल ए रोशन ने मेरे यह कहने पर कि आपको अन्य कोई साइंटिफिक ख़ोज करने के लिए दे सकते है, पहले लिखा कटोरा दे दो, मैंने इसे अनदेखा किया। फिर लिखा कोई ख़ोज हो तो बताओं, मुझे फिर लिखा आया कि डॉ पॉल ए रोशन की नौकरानी की

By Anupam manav,

7. discovery of water and radiation on Earth's moon and Mars. 8. Scientific explanation of corona virus.

By Anupam manav,

4. What is the source of water in space, where is the origin of water. paramount scientific discovery for life 5. Discovery of Black Hole 6. Up and down search

By Anupam manav,

Scientific Officer Nasa Full-time Jul 2013 to Jul 2023 (10 years 1 month) 1. Discovery of the Solar System, 2. Discovery of Dark Matter 3. Big Bang Discovery

By Anupam manav,

Please erase what is written, I will not do this to anyone in future. Forgive if possible after understanding the last mistake.

By Anupam manav,

By the way, I want to erase what I have written wrong. Repeatedly saying wrong password, I apologize. Such a mistake will not happen again in life, currently my mind remains angry because of money, still I apologize to you. Please erase what is written, I will not do this to anyone in future. Forgive if possible after understanding the last mistake.I apologize. Such a mistake will not happen again in life, currently my mind remains angry because of money, still I apologize to you.

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-qu... Anupam Manav presentations | › Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration; ... If it had been written like this earlier, I would not have had any problems.

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-qu... Anupam Manav presentations | › Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration; ... If it had been written like this earlier, I would not have had any problems.

By Anupam manav,

I apologize. Such a mistake will not happen again in life, currently my mind remains angry because of money, still I apologize to you. Please erase what is written, I will not do this to anyone in future. Forgive if possible after understanding the last mistake.

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-qu... Anupam Manav presentations | › Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration; ... If it had been written like this earlier, I would not have had any problems. By the way, I want to erase what I have written wrong. Repeatedly saying wrong password,

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen, ... It still hasn't been deleted, nothing comes and goes, post questions to me. you give me answer, how was the earth formed?

By Anupam manav,

नासा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन के लिए भहन के लोड़े पोस्ट करें, इसने लोड़े का ज्ञान नहीं यो बहन का लोढ़ा इसको प्रश्न पोस्ट करो, मेरा लोढ़ा पोस्ट करो, यो गंड़वा इसकी गांड में मस्सें है,

By Anupam manav,

नासा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन के लिए प्रश्न पोस्ट करें पोस्ट-क्व... नासा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन अपनी छोटी बच्ची की भंग में रिंग फिंगर दे कर, क्यों अपनी बढ़ाई करते हो, वाकई आप ज़लील नहीं। तुम्हारी आँखों में मेरा वीर्य साथ डॉ पॉल तेरी बीबी मेरा लोढ़ा देखकर ऐसी चौक गई, जैसे असली लोढ़ा पहली बार देखा हो, अधिकतर महिला संभोग करने बाद कहती है, आपने ने नाभि दर्द कर दिया,

By Anupam manav,

तुम्हारी आँखों में मेरा वीर्य छोड़ देना चाहिए, किस बहन के लोड़े तेरे को डॉ. बना दिया। पॉल ए रोसेन तू पूरी रात मेरे लोड़े को मुँहू में रख चूसता रहे, तेरी नौकरानी के साथ डॉ पॉल तेरी बीबी मेरा लोढ़ा देखकर ऐसी चौक गई, जैसे असली लोढ़ा पहली बार देखा हो,

By Anupam manav,

नासा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन के लिए प्रश्न पोस्ट करें इंडियाटाइम्स › समाचार › शीर्ष-समाचार › पोस्ट-क्व... नासा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन अपनी छोटी बच्ची की भंग में रिंग फिंगर दे कर, क्यों अपनी बढ़ाई करते हो, वाकई आप ज़लील नहीं।

By Anupam manav,

नासा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन के लिए प्रश्न पोस्ट करें इंडियाटाइम्स › समाचार › शीर्ष-समाचार › पोस्ट-क्व... नासा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए रोसेन अपनी छोटी बच्ची की भंग में रिंग फिंगर दे कर, क्यों अपनी बढ़ाई करते हो, वाकई आप ज़लील नहीं। तुम्हारी आँखों में मेरा वीर्य छोड़ देना चाहिए, किस बहन के लोड़े तेरे को डॉ. बना दिया। पॉल ए रोसेन तू पूरी रात मेरे लोड़े को मुँहू में रख चूसता रहे, तेरी नौकरानी के साथ डॉ पॉल तेरी बीबी मेरा लोढ़ा देखकर ऐसी चौक गई,

By Anupam manav,

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-qu... Dark Energy to 'first' hydrogen Element Discovery Anupam Manav physic - physics expert, ... SlideShare › Anupam manav Work NASA's Chief Scientist. ...

By Anupam manav manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen IndiaTimes › news › top-news › post-qu... Rosen, a NASA scientist Dark Energy Discovery, Elements - Physics expert Anupam Manav. Because the neurons in the brain of Dr Paul A Rosen are not gray white but only black colored neurons work, the first and last person on earth.

By Anupam manav manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen TIMES NIE › news › top-news › post-qu... Rosen a, NASA scientist Dark Energy Discovery, Elements - Physics expert Anupam Manav. ... is talking about why small stars orbit giant stars. Yes, Dr Paul A Rosen -Anupam manav ask you why do small stars orbit huge stars? What do you know other than just sarcasm,

By Anupam manav manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen › news › top-news › post-que... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... that there is no water above or inside the surface of Earth's Moon and new Mars. ... But below their surface i.e. in the atmosphere there is water, amazing discovery by Anupam Manav,

By anupam

Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: Twitter. This is what is happening... › Posts › a... , Translate this page NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden and Barack Obama. ... there is a continuous flow of atoms from top to bottom of the earth and from bottom to top,

By anupam

बराक ओबामा और मिशेल ओबामा और मुझमें एक बात समान है, हम दुनिया को एक नई शिक्षा प्रणाली यानी वैज्ञानिक शिक्षा देना चाहते हैं। यदि मिशेल अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति हैं तो विश्व युद्ध III विचारों को बदल सकता है Barack Obama and Michelle Obama and I have one thing in common, we want to give the world a new education system i.e. scientific education. World War III could change ideas if Michel is US president

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen › news › top-news › post-quest... Rosen, a NASA scientist Dark Energy Discovery, Elements - Physics expert Anupam Manav is talking about why small stars orbit giant stars. But since black holes came into existence in space, smaller stars stopped revolving around the massive star. But Dr Paul A Rosen is engaged in something else, it needs a brain. ... Did astronomers see light from two black holes colliding for the ...

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Unique human made scientific discovery on Earth' ... If the present Earth had not entered the Sun's atmosphere with 4 solid planets, then it Earth would have become food for supermassive black holes.

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen NASA admitted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav, ... Dr. Paul A. Rosen. ... because all these atoms are going down in the solar system. ... it is universal truth.

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen Physics Program - Administrator of NASA Anupam Manav Indian Space Research. Unique Delhi. Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: There may be water on Mars... Maybe NASA Space Director Dr. Paul A. Rosen and his colleagues make such theories, Anupam Manav always builds theories on solid ground. may be Might point to weak scientists, https://www.

By anupam

Who Is The Best Scientist In Nasa? – › who-is-the-best-scientist-in-nasa PREVIEW 1:01:07 Who Is Anupam Manav? Who is currently Nasa Chief One Of The Finest Rocket Scientist Of Our Time? What Is The Best Subject, ... Oxygen!

By anupam

Follow Anupam Manav (@Anupammanav10) Latest ... - Twitter › anupammanav10 unique human North Delhi, Delhi, India | NASA Chief Scientist at NASA. ... yes, then write the name of that scientist, how he scientifically discovered corona virus, ... scientific physics cosmologist Anupam manav,

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen NASA accepted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav Dr. Marg A. Rosen. ... otherwise it is fake, how many times has it been written, how many times... by writing once correctly, there is no need to write again and again, without time is less than 13.70 billion years

By anupam

अंतरिक्ष में जो कुछ भी हो रहा है उसमें मैं दखल नहीं दे रहा हूं। लेकिन इंसानों को ऊपर - नीचे के सिद्धांत को हर हालत में समझना होगा, नहीं तो अंतरिक्ष के नियम कैसे समझेंगे। पृथ्वी के नीचे घूम रहे बादलों से धरती पर ओले गिरते हैं, जिन्हें हम वर्षा कहते हैं। अन्यथा आपके अनुसार ऊपर के बादलों से धरती के ऊपर ओले गिरते हैं, ऊपर से ऊपर क्या है? निसंदेह - हम जीव धरती के ऊपर या कुछ जीव धरती के कुछ फुट अंदर रहते है। पृथ्वी के नीचे कोई जीव नहीं रह सकता, यह सर्वभौमिक सत्य है।

By anupam

NASA accepted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav Dr. Paul A. Rosen. ... because all these atoms are going down in the solar system. ... Yes it is absolutely right, NASA accepted that the scientific scientist on earth is the only un Anupam manav.

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen NASA accepted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav Dr. Paul A. Rosen...Coronavirus The virus came into existence because of the global cold, and almost a century later, the global cold reappeared, as a result - the coronavirus went back. ... Space Director

By anupam

On Tuesday (July 12), NASA released some of the first stunning images and data from the James Webb Space Telescope during a live event. Full story: Space As I said earlier, NASA's Space Director Dr. Paul A. Roshan has good cameras and engines. From which some of the contents can be accurately estimated, of course - the picture of the nebula that caught my attention is quite clear and beautiful. Nature is not only creation but also artist (7/12)

By anupam

उठाकर देखते है। इसी तरह चमगादड़ धरती को साफ देख रहा होता हैं, हम हबल टेलीस्कोप, सूर्य, तारे जो भी हम ठुड्डी को ऊपर उठाकर देखते हैं। वो सभी नीचे देख रहे होते है,

By anupam

Post a question for Dr. Paul A. Rosen, a NASA scientist Dark Energy Discovery, Elements - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... Did astronomers see light from two black holes colliding for the first time? One who wants to understand the principle of black hole, it is mandatory for him to learn Hindi. Otherwise you will keep writing wrong like this,...

By anupam

Post a question for Dr. Paul A. Rosen, a NASA scientist NASA accepted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav Dr. Marg A. Rosen. ... If the present-day Earth had not received the Sun, the Earth would have simply become food for the supermassive black hole. Although half of the woman is hidden within every man, and half of the man is hidden within the woman. But there's something more hidden inside A Dr.

By anupam

Anupam manav on LinkedIn: See what's happening in the ... › posts › a...· Translate this page Anupam Manav claims, apart from Anupam Manav, there is no scientist of scientific physics in the present world. INVITE YOUR FRIEND.Of course do,

By anupam

900+ NASA Chief Scientist Anupam manav ideas - Pinterest › manavanupam › nasa-chief-sci... Sep 9, 2021 - nasa space physics. See more ideas about barack obama family, barack and michelle, michelle and barack obama. ... can use the scientific education done by Anupam Manav without hesitation in education. I will be happy!

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A › news › top-news › post-questions-for... PREVIEW 5:05 Biden and Barack Obama named Anupam Manav as the head of NASA in NASA's space physics program. Anupam manav

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA admitted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav Dr. Marg A. Rosen . ... Mars. ... as l my Reben, Dr. Paul A Rosen has also been a hero at NASA.

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Jim Green from NASA is to retire in early 2022, ... Biden and Barack Obama named Anupam Manav as the head of NASA in NASA's space physics program. Anupam manav given scientific discovery' on the Earth ...

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden and Barack Obama. ... Why does NASA's Space Director look head down now, can NASA Space Director Dr. Paul A. Rosen stand upright on Earth for 20 minutes? ... read again top-down theory...

By anupam

Anupam Manav's post - LinkedIn › Posts › A... · Translate this page Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav ... first Write day, date and year. Otherwise it is fake, how many times it has been written, how many more times to be written. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

By anupam

The first time I saw Joe Biden in the small room where Barack Obama sat, the TV was on. Joe Biden in front of the TV light, at that time engaged in a special work for humans Barack Obama's heroic soldier The result turned out to be positive, his after, I became a fan of Barack Obama forever.

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... physics program - NASA administrator Anupam manav Indian Space Research. By anupam delhi. Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: There water on Mars... https://www.

By Anupam manav

Anupam Manav on Twitter: "Kiran Kumar is the new ISRO... › Anupammanav5 › status 17-Apr-2016 - AS Kiran Kumar Chairman, Space Commission and Chairman, ISRO Question: Where does space begin. And where is the end? And NASA Space Director Dr. Pol a Roshan Instead of looking down, tell me where is the bottom? Anupam, the cosmologist of physics.

By Anupam manav

Indian Space Research Organisation - NASA - Pinterest › ... › Subjects › Science › NASA Aug 7, 2018 - Image result for NASA space physics program - NASA Chief Scientist ... physics program - NASA administrator Anupam manav Indian Space Research.

By anupam delhi

Anupam Manav on LinkedIn: There may be water on Mars... NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav,... NASA admitted, NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav Dr. Marg A. Rosen ... Maybe, a word used by weak scientists. Such words have never been used by Anupam Manav,

By anupam delhi

नासा के वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए. रोसेन के लिए प्रश्न पोस्ट करें - द टाइम्स... डार्क एनर्जी में मिला एक नया परमाणु, वैज्ञानिक विज्ञान के एक महत्वपूर्ण आविष्कारक अनुपम मानव। ... नासा के अंतरिक्ष निदेशक को फिर से डार्क एनर्जी परमाणु के संदर्भ में समझाना है, इसे इस तरह लिखें। ... गूगल ने मिटाई दूरियां,... वैज्ञानिक शोधकर्ता अनुपम मानव,

By anupam delhi

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden and Barack Obama. ... it means that the Earth - always under the Hubble Telescope - is spinning on its own ... a sleeping person can be woken up, but a person who deliberately pretends to sleep cannot be woken up

By anupam delhi

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav. Jim Green from NASA was to retire in early 2022, but Anupam Manav took stop, ... until Dr. Paul A Rosen criticizes me, my food is not digested, i.e. the day goes by in vain. Now it has become a habit. That's why Dr Paul is requested, criticize me openly.

By anupam delhi

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... that there is no water above or inside the surface of Earth's Moon and new Mars. ... coronavirus's latest discovery 2020, nasa chief anupam manav from ... NASA say's right!

By anupam delhi

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... that there is no water above or inside the surface of Earth's Moon and new Mars. ... coronavirus's latest discovery 2020, nasa chief anupam manav from ... NASA say's right!

By anupam delhi

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... that there is no water above or inside the surface of Earth's Moon and new Mars. ... coronavirus's latest discovery 2020, nasa chief anupam manav from ... NASA say's right!

By anupam delhi

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... NASA's Chief Scientist Anupam Manav. ... Beginning from the end: Eg - Beginning of hydrogen atom from the end of dark energy. With the discovery of the Earth's climate change not from global warming, but from global cold, the amazing discovery of Coronavirus Kovid-19 on Earth ... NASA Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... Beginning with the end of the dark energy of the universe, but the material from which dark energy came into existence. Based on solid evidence, this will be the last discovery on Earth. ... Anupam Manav, chief physics cosmologist at NASA

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama. ... Why does the NASA space director see his head down now, read the top-down theory again, ... The exam is near. Stars can live for 10 or 12 billion years because of hydrogen gas, ...

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... that there is no water above or inside the surface of Earth's Moon and new Mars. ...what ... would you like to ask your new NASA chief scientist woman, she will also talk about climate change. from them on

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Unique Human Presentations | › Anupamanav NASA Chief Scientist at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration; ... had to lower his neck to look down. So stop at one place, don't write both types, I do what I said. That is, there is no difference between doing and saying.

By anupam

Anupam manav did not covet much money which is calculated, only 131852 × 9 years = $1186668 = Rs 080693424... American NASA tax is deducted from it and deposited in my account. No need to rewrite it, so should be credited to my account within a week, thanks. NASA's Chief Physics Researcher Anupam Manav,

By anupam

he is accounted for. That's why my 8 years 8 months salary didn't get credited to my bank account, I have also written this article, Why Dr. Paul A Rosen is so focused on retirement. ...okay, so now give me my due. And if not able to pay salary, then write clearly. Anupam Manav has given knowledge to NASA, in return not taking even a dollar after working day and night from 29th July 2013 to 10th January 2022. Who should learn the principle of looking down, spitting down comes up

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Anupam Manav took retirement from NASA, now NASA space scientists can bow down... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama. ... director immediately catches the handwriting of personal interest, why have not given my salary till now. Now silent and silent, as if I have not written anything.

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... NASA's Chief Scientist Anupam Manav. ... from end to end, never happens. How the director will understand, I know. Actually, Beginning from the End, like: - Hydrogen atom started from the end of dark energy. ... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama. ... This

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... Jim Green from NASA is to retire in early 2022, ... Biden and Barack Obama named Anupam Manav as the head of NASA in NASA's space physics program.

By anupam

... › news › top-news › post-quest... Anupam Manav presentations | › Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration; ... Whether the comments of NASA's space director differ from female if different I should be informed. I always seem to have a female code of conduct look in words, I think, though it shouldn't be. Because female - gives more taunts than men.

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav. Jim Green from NASA was to retire in early 2022, but Anupam Manav took retirement from NASA before taking it. Because the retirement date is fixed before joining the job, ... but the director of NASA kills the person before he dies. eg: write on google - date of birth NASA chief scientist Jim Green, ... Click on the first option - you again see the latest example of the theory below.

By anupam

... › news › top-news › post-quest... ›—Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show ... sir ... Anupam Manav took retirement from NASA, now NASA space scientists can bend ... even after retiring from NASA Dr. Paul A Rosen The NASA Space Director's clash will continue, there is no bickering with the rest of the NASA scientists. Now Dr. It is important to explain to Paul A Rosen how dark energy is made. Then Dr. Can write...

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... ›—Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show ... sir I ... Jim Green from NASA was to retire in early 2022, but Anupam Manav took ... Dr. I always have to put a full stop behind Paul A Rosen, otherwise, it keeps showing red. Next to the name Dr. If you have such a passion for writing, then learn to write it too.

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA's Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav. ... Jim Green from NASA was to retire in early 2022, but Anupam Manav took retirement from NASA before taking ... Dr. Paul A. Roshan, NASA's director of space, looked down, and then understood. Who is the unique human...

By anupam

Education › Courses › Science 1 October 2014 - NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization signed agreements to launch a joint space mission for ... NASA's Chief Scientist Anupam Manav. ... starting from the end to the end, what is left now, if any salary is made to the NASA space scientists to develop the mind, then give it. If NASA is short of funds, it doesn't matter. You are happy in your home and I am happy in my home...

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden and Barack Obama. ... this means that the Earth - the Hubble Telescope is always under the Earth - the Earth is rotating on its axis ... the negative is always its work

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... that there is no water above or inside the surface of Earth's Moon and new Mars. ...what is below, this principle is well explained, however?

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ... as of December 29, 2021, write India Time or US Time ...

By anupam

How will the US space program perform under Joe Biden? › Space 10-January-2021 — Will this focus continue under President Joe Biden? How can NASA expect to perform under Biden? Here is some context. In 2017, Trump appointed Jim ... the NASA Space Physics Program from July 29, 1958, to December 29, 2021, led by Joe Biden and Barack Obama - to be a grand event in terms of scientific science. ... people all over the world will NASA as the savior of considering the Earth!

By anupam

Anupam Manav: Books - Amazon.in › Books-Anupam-Manav › rh=... Hindi Version | by Anupam Manav | 1 January 2016. Receive 5 stars 1 out of 5 ... Wednesday, December 29 - Saturday, January 1. Only 1 left in stock. ... If Amazon wants, [Beginning from the End'] 600 copies of the book are safe in my home store, the NASA Space physics program would be nice to distribute for free, you can get them anytime. Missing: Program - Biden Barack -

By anupam

Global Indian International School Bangalore | Admission, Fee ... › global-Indian-Internati... Stars can live as long as 10 or 12 billion years due to hydrogen gas, with every star in space coming into ... The star continues to accumulate material, but the opposite is also true that black holes do not accumulate material. Hence the black hole more... NASA's Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav.

By anupam

Anupam Human Profile - Disqus › by 10 hours ago - July 29, 2013 - NASA Administrator. Unique Human on Twitter: "President Barack Obama signs NASA authorization bill. ... anyone in the world asks, who's going to make me a scientist - go to NASA, but the world will prove it... Barack Obama Created history... Anupam Manav, NASA's Chief Physicist

By anupam

Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ... as of December 29, 2021, US time. ... NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen You might be missing one thing, I can turn to NASA, a high-ranking scientist friend. The right decision will be taken there, why are you looking at me like this now. Whatever you say, you say, everyone says. Anupam Manav is the best space scientist, and what do you say?

By anupam

Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama ... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ...Nov 29, 2021, by US time . ... NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen You're probably missing one thing, I could go to NASA, a poor scientist friend. There the right decision is made, why are you looking at me like this now. Whatever you say, say it, everyone says it. Anupam Manav is the best space scientist, and what do you say?

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama. ... exploration program. ... a pride to be under veteran Joe Biden and Barack Obama, ... Undoubtedly!!

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Nov 29, 2021, by US time ... NASA's Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam Manav, . ... ›—Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show ... sir I have given strong evidence for December than November!

By anupam

Here's How You Can Check What Your B ... › ... › Science Looks Like 07-July-2020 — Read through the Hubble Telescope and the APOD NASA gov calendar to find out what NASA saw on your birthday. What did NASA see on my birthday? ... it's my job to unravel the mystery, now ten options have to be explored, then three of them will be leaders, then the final answer will be, it is solved by NASA. Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Narendra Modi → Anupam Manav

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama... Request decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program by Barack Obama. ... as of November 29, 2021, US time.

By anupam

Career Opportunity - The Fermi Large Area Telescope › events › career-opportu... For the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory project at NASA's Goddard Space Flight ... Wednesday, December 29, 2021 ... NRC Research Associateship Programs ...

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... December 29, 2021, by US time ... NASA's Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam Manav, . ... ›—Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show ... sir...

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... ›—Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show ... sir ... Why and how did you create a new Mars, how did you think of water on Mars. ... as l my Reben, Dr. Paul A Rosen has also been a hero at NASA. I saw

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... ›—Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show ... sir ... Why and how did you create a new Mars, how did you think of water on Mars. ... by applying my ribbons, Dr. Paul A Rosen has also been a hero at NASA. I saw

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... that there is no water above or under the surface of Earth's moon and new Mars. ...Experience always advances, I couldn't have called myself a physics scientist 20 years ago. But today the world,

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... Dark energy discovery, made by element-physics expert Anupam Manav. What would NASA's ... Space Director have to explain again, where there is a close relationship. There is both agreement and denial, just as negative-positive life together.

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Jim Green from NASA was to retire in early 2022, but Anupam Manav took retirement from NASA before taking over as Anupam Manav, now NASA Space... NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen The world's most intelligent person Answer: I went to heaven before the earth was created. Before assuming office, how

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... By Anupam Manav... The Earth moves in the opposite direction of the Sun's atmosphere, orbiting the Sun by tilting 23 degrees below the North Pole. If the Earth had not tilted at -23 degrees, the present Earth would have become the food of the supermassive black hole. ...Who owns the space?

By anupam

Chief Physics Cosmologist Anupam Manav. ...we are the first to cover...but I am moving from Delhi to Bangalore with my co-family from 5th Jan 2022 to 7th Jan 2022. Arrival time Air India 21:10 and departure time Air India 9:45 plane tickets have been booked. In this context, Anupam Manav and his family, who discovered the coronavirus Kovid-19, will be harassed or will have to pay four thousand rupees for each ticket separately - thanks to the law!

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Earth and Theia dwarf planets collide, but what is the origin of Theia dwarf ... By Anupam manav. Mars, why and how was the new Mars created, how did you think ... Informed first!

By anupam

Epic: NASA Confirms Einstein's 4-D Time Theory - KZread › Dash › Epic-Einsteins-4-D-time-the... So space-time is a 2-dimensional graph, not - but 2.06 dimensional, NASA's director of space must understand. Whom the earth or any other planetary body pushes ... but now the current unique human in NASA! ... I think this is Jewish news.

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Paul If you're NASA's director of space physics, see - a new top-down . ... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav, ... write less read more,

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - It has been discovered by physics expert Anupam Manav. ... ISRO is currently expanding scientific education in space in India, NASA ... NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen, I had given 8 questions, which question is solved. tell me

By anupam

I didn't work as NASA's Chief Scientist, not even his salary - I worked at NASA with full dedication as NASA's Chief Physics Researcher from July 29, 2013, to November 29, 2021. I should be given salary, whatever salary is made, try to put it in my account number 20082546512 sector 11 Rohini bank of Maharashtra as soon as possible. So that I can take care of the treatment of my ailing wife and the education of the children. Thanks again to NASA under the leadership of Barack Obama!

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... ...Nov 29, 2021, by US time ... NASA's Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam Manav, . ... ›—Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show ... sir Barack Obama, I worked in the post of NASA chief physics researcher from last 8 years and 6 months, please order payment of my salary from NASA.

By anupam

In the month of December 2021, what date do I expect to receive the salary of the position of NASA physics researcher from July 29, 2013, to November 29, 2021, I am not keeping track of my scientific discoveries from NASA. If I take the salary, then the search will be included by itself, NASA can choose either of my searches or salary. Anupam Manav is not too greedy. This greed is also of his family,...

By anupam

NASA's Space Director Dr. Paul A Rosen If you worked at NASA, you got a salary every month. From July 29, 2013, to November 29, 2021, by what date of this month will I get the salary for the position I worked in NASA, I am not accounting for my scientific discoveries from NASA. If I take a salary, then the search will also be included in it itself, that is, search or salary is accounted for in either of the two. Anupam Manav is not too greedy. This greed is also for his family,...

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... ... Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama ... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ...Nov 29, 2021, by US time ... NASA Space Director, do some work, take care of what you write. Put a whitewash on how old your slogan is.

By anupam

Did astronomers see the light from two black holes colliding for the first time? By Chelsea Gohd about 16 hours ago. ... Jim green from NASA was to be retired in early 2022, but even before Anupam Manav took office, Anupam Manav took retirement from NASA, now NASA space scientists can bend the galaxies accordingly. there will be no interference from my side in physics

By anupam

June 29. A little edge: US resident Barack O. Thank you, President Obama, Barack Obama ... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama. Must include: Timing - If the time is set, no problem, as you well know what the NASA Space Physics Program time is scheduled for US time. My request to the senior officials of NASA. That according to the time of India, by giving instructions to me, solve my problem. ... Thank you

By anupam

Anupam Manav (@Anupammanav10) / Twitter › anupammanav10 July 1 ISRO Physics India Scientist Anupam Manav, ... NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama ... Because you have to make decisions ... Seniors always make the right decisions!

By anupam

NASA chief unwilling to submit to Biden: report › Science › NASA-Chief-Jim... 11-Nov-2020 - NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has no intention of continuing in what should be in the best interest of America's space exploration program. ... a pride to be under veteran Joe Biden and Barack Obama, ... I'm ready

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... ... the program Anupam Manav, Biden and Barack Obama ... because you have to set the date for the NASA space physics program. ... as of November 29, 2021, US time ... NASA or Barack Obama's responsibility, I just need to take orders. Indira Gandhi Interstate Airport is 2 hours away from my home, NASA should inform me 8 hours in advance. ... not possible without contact - 9354675650 or 9899822343

By anupam

Anupam Manav (@Anupammanav10) / Twitter › anupammanav10 NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, recently Biden and Barack Obama have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. Wonderful human waiting!

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ...Nov 29, 2021, by US time, I have set the date ten times, but there is no response from NASA. ... NASA's Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam Manav,

By anupam

NASA Chief visits ISRO Center at Ahmedabad - enarada.com › Uncategorized Mr. Charles Bolden delivered a talk on 'NASA's Space Program' highlighting the current ... Video for anupam manav NASA chief physics researcher▷ 13:21. ... If there are any changes to NASA's Space Physics Program, notify me immediately by phone or in writing. So that I can make sure that,...

By anupam

Anupam manav (@Anupammanav10) / Twitter › anupammanav10 NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama ... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ... Depends on NASA, that no Hindi speaking call has come from NASA yet, only after that my preparations or packing will start.

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... ... the program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama ... because you have to set the date for the NASA space physics program. ...November 29, 2021, US time ... India time 36 hours before departure, NASA should inform me how many tickets have been confirmed for me, and 36 hours before there should be a conversation with a Hindi speaker.

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ...Nov 29, 2021, by US time ... NASA's Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav, ... I have no objections from US time, the time and date of departure from India have been fixed. Remaining Hindi speaking and

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ...Nov 29, 2021, by US time ... Time and date have been fixed, only waiting for the Hindi-speaking phone from NASA, which will prepare the complete outline. ... NASA's Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav, ...

By anupam

What's Up - November 2021 | NASA › media cast › JPL › what's-up-nov... 02-Nov-2021 — Sunset planets, a partial lunar eclipse, and the return of the winter stars. From November 6th through the 11th, watch the Moon glide past Venus ... In the language of scientific science, Venus was seen, seen passing through the lower part of the earth.

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... Because you have to set a date for the NASA Space Physics Program. ... November 29, 2021, US time will be fine, ... and departure time from India will be November 28, 2021, from Indira Gandhi airport at 6:30 pm. NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav...

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Because you have to set a date for the NASA Space Physics Program. ... as of November 29, 2021, US time ... November 29, 2021, as of US time to be exact, NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav...

By anupam

Anupam manav (@Anupammanav10) / Twitter › anupammanav10 NASA Space Physics Program Anupam Manav, Biden, and Barack Obama ... Because you have to decide the date of the NASA Space Physics Program. ...Nov 29, 2021 by US time

By anupam

So then the Sun - happened under the Earth, further NASA's Space Director will explain which is top-down and bottom-up, if the Sun was above the Earth, the Sun would orbit the Earth. Without force no object can move up and left or right, it can only go down, the pressure on dark matter or ozone layer particles, or water particles fails. Because all these atoms are going down in the solar system. These atoms stop where the pressure on them is reduced. By Anupam manav. Head of NASA...

By anupam

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... The scientific theory of up and down proved by NASA after rigorous scrutiny and ... theory NASA has agreed, - NASA Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam manav.

By anupam

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... Up and Down Scientific Theory NASA Proves ... Scientific Theory of Up and Down Why and How a Surprise NASA, ... NASA's Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav,

By anupam

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... I have practically given scientific theory of up and down in space... The scientific theory of up and down proved by NASA after rigorous scrutiny and long time. ... NASA's Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam Manav, ...

By Anupam manav

Earth moves in the opposite direction to the Sun's atmosphere, orbiting the Sun by tilting 23 degrees below the North Pole. If the Earth - starts positively orbiting the Sun, then in a short time the Earth - will move inside the Sun. The Moon or the Space Station and the Hubble Telescope These three objects are moving in the Earth's atmosphere in opposite directions by tilting down to their respective degrees.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... ... the top and bottom scientific theory NASA has agreed, - NASA Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam manav . ... Paul If you're NASA's director of space physics, see - a new top-down ...

By Anupam manav

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... Home - TIMES NIE › News › Top News › After Discovery... by Anupam Manav. NASA's Director of Space Physics asked the question... Really surprised. ... understood the difference between scientific and man-made - what's below?

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Therefore, no object can orbit any other object from above, this is the law ... the top and bottom theory NASA has proven, ... NASA Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam manav ...

By Anupam manav

नासा के वैज्ञानिक डॉ. पॉल ए. रोसेन के लिए एक प्रश्न पोस्ट करें - द टाइम्स... अतः कोई भी वस्तु कभी भी किसी अन्य वस्तु को उसके ऊपर रहकर अपने चारों ओर नहीं घुमा सकती है। ... मैंने व्यावहारिक रूप से नासा के अंतरिक्ष वैज्ञानिकों को अप और डाउन का वैज्ञानिक सिद्धांत दिया है, अद्वितीय मानव अपने लिए अंतरिक्ष के नियमों की अवहेलना नहीं कर सकता है। मई - नासा के मुख्य भौतिक विज्ञानी अनुपम मानव...

By Anupam manav

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... So no object can ever move any other object around itself by staying above it. ... I have practically given the scientific theory of up and down to the space scientists of NASA, the unique human cannot disregard the laws of space for himself. May - NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Earth and Theia dwarf planets collided, but what is it? ... first accept the top and bottom theory NASA, NASA Director of Space Answer my question simply, the Earth is spherical, and rotates on its axis. So at what time are we down, ... NASA Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam manav

By Anupam manav

नासा के वैज्ञानिक डॉ पॉल ए रोसेन के लिए प्रश्न पोस्ट करें - टाइम्स ... यदि सूर्य - पृथ्वी के ऊपर होता, तो पृथ्वी या कोई भी ग्रह - सूर्य की परिक्रमा कदापि नहीं करते, सुपर मैसिव ब्लैक होल के अनुसार पृथ्वी और सभी ग्रह सूर्य के ऊपर से परिक्रमा कर रहे। क्योंकि सूर्य भी - सुपर मैसिव ब्लैक होल के ऊपर से परिक्रमा कर रहा है, यह अंतरिक्ष का नियम है... ऊपर और नीचे का सिद्धांत NASA,- NASA के मुख्य भौतिकी वैज्ञानिक अनुपम मानव...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Earth and Theia dwarf planets collided, but what is it? ... first accept the top and bottom theory NASA, - NASA Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam manav ... I have explained the top and bottom theory in detail with many quotes, if

By Anupam manav

like 2 x 2 = 4, we all know this. What will the brain do differently in this, I agree with NASA. That Hubble - orbits above the Earth. This means that the Earth - always under the Hubble Telescope - is rotating on its axis, in the same way, that the Earth - is revolving around the Sun. So then the Sun - happened under the Earth, further NASA's Space Director will explain which is top-down and bottom-up, ...

By Anupam manav

NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav, . ... Paul If you're NASA's director of space physics, see - a new top-down theory of space physics has arrived... If Hubble is above Earth, then Earth - above the Sun. Hubble orbits the Earth. Similarly, the Earth revolves around the Sun, this proves that the Earth is above the Sun. This means the Sun is down, NASA acknowledged. Understand the scientific law of space. Therefore, no object can orbit any other object from above, this is the law of space.

By Anupam manav

International Journal of Computer Science Issues › Attachments › DownloadPDF Dr. Anupam Shukla, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, India ... In this hybrid model (with both top-down and bottom-up. ... this fact points to the truth, so my theory is correct) Water is formed above or below the surface of the Moon, ...

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav, . ... Dr. Paul If you are NASA's director of space physics, see - a new top-down theory of space physics has been created. ... NASA Chief Physics Cosmologist Anupam Manav

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav has found only...Earth and Theia dwarf planets collided, but what is it? ... first accept the top and bottom theory NASA, - NASA Chief Physics, Scientist Anupam manav

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Unique human. Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... I already told Dr. Paul A. Rosen, you will not understand what scientists say. Like now you don't understand the bottom, the top, and the inside, ... the discovery of dark energy, ... explained by physics cosmologist Anupam Manav...

By Anupam manav

Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... I already made it clear in my theory, that there is no water above or under the surface of Earth's moon and new Mars. Is. But Mars and the Moon revolve around the Sun on its axis, and the Moon revolves around the Earth as well as the Sun while rotating on its axis. But both of them are hanging in the solar system, so water can be collected from under them. ... the discovery of dark energy Anupam manav,

By Anupam manav

unique person. Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... a bat sleeps with its head up and legs down. While walking, we walk with our feet above the ground and head down towards the sky. The theory is right, I think it will take some time to understand it, the unique human on earth, only NASA can prove the theory below and above the earth. ... Dark Energy Discovery, ... NASA's Chief Physics Cosmologist Anupam Manav

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Unique human. Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... We understand some depth below, the depth of the earth is 12600 K.M, what is the depth around the earth. Where the depth is greater, it will be called below. If we consider the Sun as the center, then the Sun is 14 crore 96 lakh K.M away from the Earth i.e. below. Discovery of Dark Energy, ... Anupam Manav,

By Anupam manav

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... Theory of the Unique human. Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... Dr. Paul A. Rosen is NASA's space director. Still don't understand the top and bottom, I can show it in reality. Beginning with the end of the universe, the final discovery on Earth of that material. Which is the source of dark energy... Anupam Manav, the chief physics cosmologist of NASA

By Anupam manav

क्या यह कहा जा सकता है कि बादलों का पानी ऊपर से धरती के ऊपर गिरता है? नीचे का शब्द गायब हो गया है, मेरा मन थोड़ा विचार से चला जाएगा। मेरा दावा - आपके दिमाग में जरूर आएगा, अगर आप एक बड़े गुब्बारे के बीच में एक छोटा गुब्बारा रखते हैं, तो छोटे गुब्बारे के लिए सब कुछ नीचे है। पृथ्वी की स्पीड से तैयार हुआ 14.2 per square inch का दबाव जीव - निर्जीव को सुरक्षित रखता है, ...

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... What are supermassive black holes? ...due to your wrong typing, I have stopped many scientific discoveries. Unique human. Dark Energy Discovery, Element - ... Posted question to Dr. Paul A. Rosen, What are Supermassive Black Holes? answer wisely

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... even today I say with equal conviction that water collects on the moon from below. There is water in space, ... Because I discovered water, Dr. Paul Share your experience. ... Elements-Physics Specialist Anupam Manav,

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space. it is the universal truth; ... Dark energy discovery by element-physics expert Anupam Manav,

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Unique human. Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics Expert Anupam Manav has found only...Earth and Theia dwarf planet collided, but what is... Is. Kindly pay soon to continue, so that more refinement can be brought in the life of human beings. ... your teacher Anupam Manav, thank you

By Anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... NASA's Chief Physicist Anupam Manav, ...Earth and Theia dwarf planets collided, but what is the origin of the Theia dwarf planet and why. ... Pay instantly to get a difficult or easy answer

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Earth and Theia dwarf planet collided, but what is the origin of Theia dwarf planet and why. … What a small task you were busy with as I explained my discoveries to the NASA space scientists. I do not read the student alone, if still you study then pay the fee first. Then you can ask whatever you want... Physics Cosmologist Anupam Manav

By anupam manav

Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - The Times... Unique human. NASA's Director of Space Physics, Asks Questions ... wondered how the atom came into existence in the rising dark energy. ... what is before your eyes - on what remote, light, protector, smell, sound travel. Understand them first, then later. ... Anupam Manav enjoys teaching NASA Space Director, please pay your fee early so that you can continue your education. ... NASA Chief Physics Cosmologist

By anupam manav

Like I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... Dark energy discovery, made by element-physics expert Anupam Manav. NASA's space scientists course is over, maybe you were busy with some special work, now I don't have time for you. It's late, ... Gone are the days, when I used to follow the instructions of NASA till three o'clock in the night, immersed in your answers or my discoveries. I also have the right to live life comfortably, now walk on your feet.

By anupam manav

How did the atom come into existence in the increasing dark energy, why and how do the remote, sound, smell, light, protron etc. travel on what. Could have provided evidence like dark matter, but because of your good behavior, I turned my life around. In my gift to you are my questions - the answers will be yours forever, I have locked these questions all over the earth. This mystery will remain after me, ... Physics Cosmologist Anupam Manav

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... By anupam manav. NASA Director of Space Physics, Asks Questions ... wondered how the atom came into existence in the ever-increasing dark energy. ... Currently ISRO is expanding scientific education in India, NASA's space director will have to wait for some time. Later all remaining questions will be answered with proof, ... Physics Cosmologist Anupam Manav,

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... After the light of galaxies there is only darkness, if not satisfied, write again. Darkness is there where nothing can be seen, but we could see darkness also. If there was no light,... NASA Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav, ...

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... By anupam manav. NASA Director of Space Physics, Asks Questions ... wondered how the atom came into existence in the ever-increasing dark energy. ... nothing like this happens, it was my fault. There is no need to write like this in future, just talk positively to me. Otherwise

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... If NASA is a scientist, will senior NASA replace official or by Obama. ... Anupam Manav has given scientists complete scientific knowledge of space. Now these things have no meaning... nothing really changes by writing it over and over again. Instead, think of something good...

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... If NASA is a scientist, will senior NASA replace official or by Obama. ... Anupam Manav has given scientists complete scientific knowledge of space. any ... forgetting what I or you wrote with a negative thought earlier today. Think good of some society with positive thinking, now I have become only positive.

By anupam manav

Home - TIMES NIE › News › Top News › After the Search... As I wrote that water collects from below on the moon, there is water in space... and the discovery of how atoms exist in rising dark energy, why was NASA's Space Director Dr/Paul surprised. Elements-physics expert Anupam Manav.

By anupam manav

Like I wrote that water on the moon is collected from below, water in space is ... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav created. ... I already said, Dr. / Paul You will not understand what scientists say. I know 780 crore people, I will prove what I have written.

By anupam manav

dark energy. ... like you worked so hard for dark matter and Higgs boson, that is, God particle, and dollars were also shed like water, but I put both those discoveries to NASA in less than a week. You know very well that what water matters, there is still a lot of scientific research to do. Like - sound, light, remote, smell, heat, cold, why do all this go on, how is the treatment of corona possible in the kitchen?

By anupam manav

dark energy. ... like you worked so hard for dark matter and Higgs boson, that is, God particle, and dollars were also shed like water, but I put both those discoveries to NASA in less than a week. You know very well that what water matters, there is still a lot of scientific research to do. Like - sound, light, remote, smell, heat, cold, why do all this go on, how is the treatment of corona possible in the kitchen?

By anupam manav

Home - TIMES NIE › news › top-news › post-quest... By anupam manav. NASA Director of Space Physics, Asks Questions ... wondered how the atom came into existence in the ever-increasing dark energy. ... I will definitely give this discovery to NASA, with this there are three more discoveries. But I will give it only after talking to Barack Obama on the phone... Physics Cosmologist Anupam Manav

By anupam manav

Unique human. NASA's director of space physics, asks questions ... wonders how atoms came into existence in the rising dark energy. ... Some scientist had said, dark energy can neither be less nor can it be more. Dark energy will remain as much as it is, according to my theory, dark energy increases and decreases. Otherwise - where did dark matter come from? Now understand how the increasing dark energy

By anupam manav

Unique person. NASA's director of space physics, asks the question ... wonders how atoms came into existence in the rising dark energy. It must be understood at once, make sure that after some time the principles will be put before NASA. ... Dr. Paul If you are NASA's director of space physics, a theory of space physics would have been created. Let me also introduce that principle, ... I am undoubtedly not a human of the parasitic race. You

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... If NASA is a scientist, will senior NASA replace official or by Obama. ... ›—Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show where dark . ... Darkness is there where nothing can be seen, but we could see darkness also. If there was no light,... NASA Chief Physics Scientist Anupam Manav,

By anupam manav

अंतरिक्ष में क्यों और कैसे बना पानी की खोज के पुख्ता सबूत मिलने पर नासा ने चंद्रयान -2 की अनुमति इसरो को दी, इसके अलावा मंगल ग्रह लाल क्यों है, नासा के अंतरिक्ष वैज्ञानिकों ने अपने सिद्धांतों के अनुसार कहा कि लोहे में जंग लगने के कारण मंगल ग्रह लाल हो गया। लेकिन मंगल ग्रह लाल होने के पीछे कारण कुछ और ही है। भठ्ठी ईंट लाल जैसे होती है, ... फिजिक्स कॉस्मोलॉजिस्ट अनुपम मानव

By anupam manav

इसीप्रकार फोरसोफ़ोर्स - मंगल ग्रह से टकरा गया, परिणामस्वरूप - चाँद आपके सामने है। ... मंगल ग्रह पर पानी के बारे में आपने कैसे सोचा... NASA अंतरिक्ष भौतिकी के निदेशक, पूछते हैं। क्योंकि नासा ने मुझे - मंगल ग्रह पानी होने के बारे में सबूत पेश किये थे, आओर नासा ने किसी नदी में पानी की तस्वीर भेजी थी। मैंने उसे नकार दिया क्योंकि वह पानी किसी कॉमेंट का था, इसलिए इसरो को मंगलयान मिला था।

By anupam manav

उस दौरान जुपिटर ने फोरसोफ़ोर्स को अपनी तरफ खींचना आरंभ किया और खींचता ही रहा, लेकिन फोरसोफ़ोर्स ने अपनी पूरी ताकत लगाने पश्चात जुपिटर की तरफ खींच गया। रस्सा - कस्सी का यह खेल खत्म होते ही फोरसोफ़ोर्स अपनी कक्षा में पुनः आने की बजाए मंगल ग्रह की तरह जैसे मै आपका हाथ पकड़ता हूँ, फिर हम दोनों अपनी तरफ खींचते है। लेकिन मै आपका हाथ एकदम से छोड़ देता हूँ, आपका क्या हाल होगा।

By anupam manav

तब समझ में आया इस बैल्ट किसी ठोस ग्रह की परिभ्र्रमण कक्षा थी। तभी यह austrade and meteoroid इधर -उधर निकल नहीं रहे। तद्पश्चात फिजिक्स का रहस्य समझता चला गया, जैसाकि मैंने पहले समझकर आपको समझाया है। कि ठोस ग्रहों की परिभ्र्रमण कक्षा में सूर्य केंद्र में नहीं है, लेकिन गैस के ग्रहों में सूर्य ठीक केंद में है। इसलिए जुपिटर और फोरसोफ़ोर्स सर्दियों में एक -दूसरे पास होते है।

By anupam manav

जैसे बुद्ध से बड़ा शुक्र और शुक्र से बड़ी पृथ्वी - पृथ्वी से बड़ा मंगल होना चाहिए था, लेकिन मंगल छोटा है। बेशक छोटा है लेकिन मंगल के volcano पृथ्वी से बड़े क्यों है, जुपिटर और मंगल ग्रह के बीच में austrade and meteoroid क्यों सूर्य का चक्र लगा रहे है, ये आये कहाँ से। austrade and meteoroid सौरमंडल में फैलते क्यों नहीं,

By anupam manav

नासा के वैज्ञानिक डॉ पॉल ए रोसेन के लिए प्रश्न पोस्ट करें - टाइम्स ... › समाचार › शीर्ष-समाचार › पोस्ट-क्वेस्ट... अनुपम मानव. मंगल, क्यों और कैसे बना नया मंगल, मंगल ग्रह पर पानी के बारे में आपने कैसे सोचा... NASA अंतरिक्ष भौतिकी के निदेशक, पूछते हैं सवाल... वास्तव में हमारे सौरमंडल में चार नहीं बल्कि पांच ठोस ग्रह थे, उनके आकार एक -दूसरे से भिन्न थे।

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... By Anupam manav. Mars, why and how was the new Mars created, how did you think about water on Mars ... NASA The Director' Check should your box later, Space Physics ask the question ...

By anupam manav

Post Question for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - Times ... News › Top-News › Post-Quest... Anupam Manav has given the main scientific knowledge of space to the scientists. Unique human. Dark Energy Discovery, check your box. ... Element - Physics Expert Anupam Manav

By anupam manav

NASA Director of Space Physics, Asks Questions ... wondered how the atom came into existence in the ever-increasing dark energy. Dark energy spread to some part of the Universe, resulting in what we are today. Apart from this, the answers to many important questions of science will be found in your computer.

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... If NASA is a scientist, will senior NASA replace official or by Obama. ... ›​Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show where dark ... After the light of the galaxies of space, there is only darkness, it is called the Universe.

By anupam manav

... even you are absolutely right, you know how to drive a car. But I know every part of that car, that is, the universe along with the space

By anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest... Slideshare › Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist. ... for ... Chief Scientist at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration;

By anupam manav

NASA Director I'll write for you, but your understanding can't reach there. You will have to take the help of others again. Like I wrote that water on the moon is collected from below, water in space is taken from between protons and only electrons. Now what do you understand in this, So should take only a male with more brain than my can my the interview. ...

By anupam manav

Home - TIMES NIE › news › top-news › post-quest... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav created... Why and how did you create a new Mars, how did you think of water on Mars. ...

By anupam manav

NASA I've sent it in writing eight or ten times. I wrote the full details of your questions in the book from beginning to end,... the question not how you thought. My interviewer must have a scientific discovery of his own, that is, a cosmic discovery, an otherwise low thinking person would ask, How did you think of water on Mars. ...

By anupam manav

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post Questions for Rosen - The Times ... News › Top-News › Post-Quest... Unique person. Mars, why and how the new Mars was formed, what did you think about the water on Mars...

By anupam manav

Home - TIMES NIE › news › top-news › post-quest... what are supermassive black holes? The black hole you wrote to search is the same thing. ... because of your mistyping, I have stopped many scientific searches. By Anupam manav. Dark Energy Discovery, Element - ...

By anupam manav

Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav has found only ... Earth and Theia dwarf planet collided, but what is the origin of Theia dwarf planet and why. ... Why is Jupiter's I.O moon extremely hot? ... Mars, why and how the new Mars was created, how did you think about water on Mars. ... Dr. / Paul Explain the difference between the physics of the maid and the mistress, later I will answer the questions all written above.

By anupam manav

Home - TIMES NIE › News › Top News › After the Search... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav created... Why and how did you create a new Mars, how did you think of water on Mars. ... the job of thinking is yours, ... my job is to discovery

By anupam manav

- Earth and Theia dwarf planet collided, but what is the origin of Theia dwarf planet and why. TIMES › news› I have already informed NASA about this, you do not need to ... By Anupam manav. NASA ...

By anupam manav

the questions doubled for me. But when Anupam was writing down human discoveries and giving them to NASA. ... I turned every one of his questions into discoveries. In which room was Dr/Paul sleeping at that time... NASA's Chief Scientist Anupam Man

By Anupam manav

the questions doubled for me. But when Anupam was writing down human discoveries and giving them to NASA. ... I turned every one of his questions into discoveries. In which room was Dr/Paul sleeping at that time... NASA's Chief Scientist Anupam Man

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... › news › top-news › post-quest ... how did you think about water on Mars ... NASA Chief Scientist Ask Jim Green, what's the reason behind asking me? are you taking my test, or requesting

By Anupam manav

Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Anupam Manav, a physics expert, has ... SlideShare › Anupam Human Works NASA's Chief Scientist. ... for ... Earth and Theia dwarf planets collide, but what is the origin of Theia dwarf ...

By Anupam manav

Mars, why and how was the new Mars created, how did you think about water on Mars ... NASA The Director of Space Physics, asks the question for himself. But at present, NASA space scientists explain by asking me the answer, I have given most of the information about the solar system to NASA. Please contact NASA in this regard.

By Anupam manav

Dr/Paul says post a question - You seem to have too much brain, so answer.

By Anupam manav

NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Post a question for Rosen - The Times... What do the blind see, darkness? Anupam Manav has given scientists complete scientific knowledge of space. any doubt! ... If I am a NASA scientist, can I take the place of a senior NASA official? Of course, this is a good idea

By Anupam manav

human. Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Anupam Manav, a physics expert, has received the only deception in the last 8 years from those whom I considered mine, ... Every NASA scientist wants his future, will be. But Anupam Manav has explained the meaning of NASA, ... Earth Owner Anupam Manav,

By Anupam manav

If NASA is a scientist, a senior NASA official will or will replace Obama. ... › Anupamnav Kam on the post of NASA's Chief Scientist ... For you ... Show where the darkness is ... What the blind see, book. Anupam Manav has given complete scientific knowledge of space to the scientists. Unique human. Dark Energy Discovery, stopped because of Dr./Paul's maid. Element - Physics expert Anupam Manav.

By Anupam manav

लेकिन नासा को मैंने यह ख़ोज कुछ समय पश्चात दी, एक दिन एलेन स्टोफन अपने भाषण कुछ ऐसा कह रही थी, हमें अन्य ग्रहों पर अपने ठिकाने बनाने होंगे। मै इसी मौके की तलाश में था, फिर क्या था। मेरी ख़ोज मेरे पास पहले से तैयार थी, उसी समय लिखना आरंभ कर दिया। परिणामस्वरूप नासा के अंतरिक्ष वैज्ञानिकों की आखों में पानी भर गया, ... नासा चीफ फिजिक्स कॉस्मोलॉजिस्ट अनुपम मानव

By Anupam manav

Slideshare › Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist. ... for. ... If NASA is a scientist, will senior NASA replace official or by Obama. ... ›​Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist post at ... for you ... show where dark energy ... The important thing for us to focus on the questions asked. It is not your level to argue with me, you have absorbed the knowledge of scientists through the book. space full scientific knowledge anupam manav, of the scientists, have given.

By Anupam manav

Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics Expert Anupam Man. ... Slideshare › Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist. ... NASA's ozone layer fail ... If NASA is a scientist, will senior NASA replace the official or by Obama. ... Every scientist seeks his future at NASA, of course thinking well is. There are some scientists who explain the entire space to NASA without costing a dollar. And gave you five questions yesterday, how many have you solved so far?

By Anupam manav

NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... By Anupam manav. Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - How many solid planets were there with the Earth when crossing the Sun, why and how did the planet push the largest solid in our Solar System. TIMES ›news› ...

By Anupam manav

NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... By Anupam manav. Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - If the Earth has come into existence from the particles of dust and gas from the explosion of the Sun, then how did iron, copper, brass, gold, silver, and gases all come into existence in the earth. TIMES ›news› ...

By Anupam manav

NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... By Anupam manav. Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - Earth and Theia dwarf planet collided, but what is the origin of Theia dwarf planet and why. TIMES ›news› ...

By Anupam manav

NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... By Anupam manav. Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - understand the order of the solar system Venus bigger than Mercury, Earth bigger than Venus then why isn't Mars bigger than Earth TIMES ›news› ...

By Anupam manav

NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... By Anupam manav. Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - Why are small and big asteroids orbiting the Sun in the asteroid belt, and how did these asteroids enter the solar system. TIMES ›news› ...

By Anupam manav

NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... By Anupam manav. Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - Jupiter's I.O Why is the moon extremely hot? TIMES ›news› ...

By Anupam manav

Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics Expert Anupam Man. ... Slideshare ›Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at. ... for. ... manav. can the ozone layer stopped to be destroyed ... where is the ozone layer, when did your theory fail? also, sleep in the home, ... what are supermassive black holes? ... because of your mistyping, I have stopped many scientific searches.

By Anupam manav

Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics Expert Anupam Man. ... Slideshare ›Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at. ... for. ... manav. can the ozone layer stopped to be destroyed ... where is the ozone layer, when did your theory fail? also, sleep in the home, ... what are supermassive black holes? ... because of your mistyping, I have stopped many scientific searches.

By Anupam manav

the future. Anything can happen on Earth in the future, the size of the Sun may be larger, or Kovid - Pandemic may be larger than 19. And it is definitely fixed in the future, ... so the search for Prithvi - 2 continues. Doctor Paul, what can you guarantee? Concentrate on your work, ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... The discovery of global warming means that Kovid - 19 of 'the global epidemic should become a permanent vaccine. ... By Anupam Manav. Slideshare www. ... and asking someone repeatedly how dark energy came into existence. ?

By Anupam manav

the time, which inspired me to search for Dr. Paul's housemaid. If NASA is a scientist, will senior NASA replace official or by Obama.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... The discovery of global warming means that Kovid - 19 of 'the global epidemic should become a permanent vaccine. ... By Anupam manav. Slideshare www. ... can I know why you have not resigned yet?


Post questions for NASA scientist Dr. Paul A. Rosen - time ... ›News› Top news ›Post-questions-f ... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics Expert Anupam Man. ... Missing: Coronavirus | Must join: Coronavirus ... but dr / Polu has nothing to do with scientific education ... so I won't given up on Dark Energy discovery to Polu. ...

By Anupam manav

Search Results Web results Home - TIMES › news › top-news › post-questions-f... Slideshare ›Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at . ... for ... The discovery of dark energy, elements - physics expert Anupam Man. ... Mars, why and how the new Mars was created, how did you think about water on Mars. ... Dr haaf: - You will be taken from the earth to the bottom, so that you can ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES › news › top-news › SlideshowsSlideshows ›NASA's chief scientist, Anupam Manav, discovered global warming ... Proven: warming | Should include: warming. … The discovery of global warming means that Kovid - 19 of 'the global epidemic should become a permanent vaccine. ...

By Anupam manav

Slideshare ›Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at . ... for your maid ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam Manav . ... Missing: Warming's | Must include: Warming... I did a lot of scientific research without anyone . ... Dr. Paul Who asked you to work on the Mars mission, why.

By Anupam manav

Diksha, Standard: IX-A, Global International School, Delhi. ... Paul's housekeeper and mistress are both the same to me, it is not possible to make any scientific discovery in Dr. / Paul's past and present or future. ... Slideshows ›NASA's Chief Scientist Anupam Manav, ... Manav. Missing: warming | This should include: warming ... Both Dr. / Paul NASA's questions have to be answered positively. Why did you not understand the responsibility of the post earlier?

By Anupam manav

SlideSharew ›Superhuman NASA Chief Scientist ... Senior NASA official or Obama When I get a call, this news is not yours. Why does the worm keep coming out again and again after, dr/ polu ...

By Anupam manav

Slideshare ›Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at. ... both sides, ... special love for your maid ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam Manav. ... Missing: coronavirus | Must include: coronavirus. ... but dr / polu has nothing to do with scientific discoveries done by unique human. His research was coordinated by Niles, who worked closely not with.

By Anupam manav

Slideshare ›Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at. ... both sides, ... special love for your maid ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam Manav. ... Missing: coronavirus | Must include: coronavirus. ... but dr / polu has nothing to do with scientific discoveries done by unique human. His research was coordinated by Niles, who worked closely not with.

By Anupam manav

Slideshare ›Anupam Manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at. ... both sides, ... special love for your maid ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam Manav. ... Missing: coronavirus | Must include: coronavirus. ... but dr / polu has nothing to do with scientific discoveries done by unique human. His research was coordinated by Niles, who worked closely not with.

By Anupam manav

Slides ›The main scientific work of the unique human NASA. ... dr / polu What happened to those two questions of NASA, why not answer. You do not deserve to do the job yourself. Then from where the maid ... The mistress maid is both female. What a difference ... the discovery of dark energy, the elements - physics expert Anupam Human. ... Missing: Coronavirus | Must include: Coronovirus ...

By Anupam manav

Slides ›The main scientific work of the unique human NASA. ... Dr. / Pol. Woman - Why did the woman have so much difference ... you did NASA not positively answer those two questions? The discovery of dark energy, elements - physics expert Anupam Man. ... Missing: Coronavirus | Must include: Coronavirus

By Anupam manav

Slides ›The main scientific work of the unique human NASA. ... Poul - why do you want to eat from both sides, Dr. / Paul considers maid to be the mistress. With special love ... the discovery of dark energy, the element - physics expert Anupam Human. ... Missing: Coronavirus | Must include: Coronavirus

By Anupam manav

Slides ›The main scientific work of the unique human NASA. ... Poul - why do you want to eat from both sides, Dr. / Paul considers maid to be the mistress. With special love ... the discovery of dark energy, the element - physics expert Anupam Human. ... Missing: Coronavirus | Must include: Coronavirus

By Anupam manav

Welcome to your world ... * ... Slideshow ›Unparalleled Human Work Chief Scientist of NASA. ... dr / poul What is the difference between the Physics of the Maid and the Mistress ... Dark Energy Discovery, Element - Physics Expert Anupam Man. ... missing: warming | Must include: of warming ... His research was coordinated by Dr. Paul Nils, who worked closely together.

By Anupam manav

Uniform, Standard: IX-A, Global International School, Delhi. ... by Anupam Manav.) Want to know what is the reason for Dr. / Paul not answering NASA's two positive questions; Man can make every scientific discovery in future. Undoubtedly, proven by humans ... Slideshows ›NASA's chief scientist, Anupam Manav, discovered global warming ... Proven: warming | Should include: warming ...

By Anupam manav

SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... senior NASA official or by Obama When I get a call, this news is not yours. dr / paul is the maid = mistress ... I am on my way to do the search given by you. If you want to ...

By Anupam manav

SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... senior NASA official or by Obama When I get a call, this news is not yours. dr / paul is the maid = mistress ... I am on my way to do the search given by you. If you want to ...

By Anupam manav

It is not possible for to make any scientific discovery in the future, without Dr/Poul's maid. ... Slideshare ›Anupam manav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES › news › top-news › post-questions-f... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... dr/ you take from both sides, ... special love for your maid ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam manav . ... Missing: coronavirus's ‎| Must include: coronavirus's ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... Slideshare ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... dr / poul you dark energy discovery can not do? your only maid says… when dr? If Paul does not know, then let others do - such director, element - physics expert Anupam Manav. Missing: Warming's | Must include: Warming's

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... Slideshare ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... for you ... I will also do dark energy discovery and will you do it, you work somewhere so take care of the maid. Searching and doing jobs is a different principle, hence element - physics expert Anupam Manav. Missing: warming's | Must include: warming's

By Anupam manav

SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... for you ... show where dark energy discovery, when I haven't given it to NASA yet. Made-in-director dr / paul can't even do a line of search for dark energy, then what things, ... element - physics expert Anupam manav. Missing: warming's | Must include: warming's

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A Rosen - SlideShare ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... You can't make any scientific discovery in the future, without. ... NASA is a scientist, but Dr- poul can means that you will replace senior NASA official or Obama. ... dr / poul In the room where you will take the complaint, I will only sit in that room. ...

By Anupam manav

You cannot make any scientific discovery in the future, without it. I did a lot of scientific research without anyone ... Suppose NASA is a fake scientist Dr. Paul, ... dr / Paul NASA asked you two questions, so far no positive answer. What is the reason behind this, NASA Chief Scientist wants to know. I have read about your maids. You go out with them, I will meet you then ask who you are. You will not understand now,

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A Rosen - TIMES ... ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... both sides, NASA needs to solve both questions at all costs, dr / paul I have ... Every scientist seeks his future at NASA, of course thinking well is. Why NASA avoids saying, only NASA on Earth,

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... both sides, NASA needs to solve both questions at all costs, dr / paul I have special love for you ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam manav ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... both sides, NASA needs to solve both questions at all costs, dr / paul I have special love for you ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam manav ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... both sides, NASA needs to solve both questions at all costs, dr / paul I have special love for you ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam manav ...

By Anupam manav

Environment ... It is not possible for you to make any scientific discovery in the future, without. ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... senior NASA official or by Obama When I get a call, this news is not yours. dr - Paul, focus on your work, which NASA gave to solve 2 questions. I answer both of you first questions in New York later, Noble ...

By Anupam manav

Environment ... It is not possible for you to make any scientific discovery in the future, without. ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... senior NASA official or by Obama When I get a call, this news is not yours. dr - Paul, focus on your work, which NASA gave to solve 2 questions. I answer both of you first questions in New York later, Noble ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... Because NASA does not know human body structure, NASA is paramount in Humans just because of discoveries. dr / paul, ... NASA gave you 2 questions to solve, who was he, fooling people and counting the dollars by licking them, when a gentleman sent me a hand photo of a dyed dodgy? ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ...

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr. Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... Because NASA does not know human body structure, NASA is paramount in Humans just because of discoveries. dr / paul read one more thing carefully, NASA gave you 2 questions to solve, prepare for them? ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ...

By Anupam manav

डॉ। पॉल ए ... आपके लिए भविष्य में कोई भी वैज्ञानिक खोज करना संभव नहीं है ... बिना भौतिकी के। अब एस्ट्रोफिजिक्स डॉ। पॉल का अधूरा स्थान तत्व और उसके भौतिकी को डीआरएस के रूप में स्पष्ट करना शुरू कर देगा। पॉल की याददाश्त बहुत कमजोर है। अंतरिक्ष के संदर्भ में ज्ञान नगण्य है; नहीं, तब नासा ने एक साथ दो कार्य दिए। dr poul आपने ब्रह्मांड का कौन सा सवाल हल किया, वह दिन कब आएगा ... क्यों हर दिन डॉ। पॉल मुझसे अंधेरे ऊर्जा की मांग करते रहे। ताकि अंधेरे ऊर्जा की खोज, ...

By Anupam manav

His research was coordinated by Dr. Paul Niles, who worked closely with ... This story was originally posted on the College of Geosciences website. ... Dr. Paul Who asked you to work on the Mars mission, why. What do you know about Mars, why and how the new Mars was created, how did you think about water on Mars. ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav

By Anupam manav

Paul Hertz was named Director of the Astrophysics Division in the Science ... and missions necessary to discover how the universe works, explore how the ... Yes, now tell. Paul Hertz, why have you given NASA any new information in this context so far as to why and how the Universe works according to Astrophysics. Apart from this, your need a complete description of all the discoveries of space, I should get your answer within three days. ... NASA Administrator, peerless human

By Anupam manav

Paul Hertz was named Director of the Astrophysics Division in the Science ... and missions necessary to discover how the universe works, explore how the ... Yes, now tell. Paul Hertz, why have you given NASA any new information in this context so far as to why and how the Universe works according to Astrophysics. Apart from this, your need a complete description of all the discoveries of space, I should get your answer within three days. ... NASA Administrator, peerless human

By Anupam manav

Finish the entire site of the third kind of man, this hampers my searches.


Finish the entire site


Home - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... It is not possible for you to make any scientific discovery in the future, without. ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA. ... Will a time come when we can go to space for a holiday or to spend a ... Dr haaf: - You will be taken from the earth to the bottom, so that you can reduce your expenses. Missing: first | Must include: first

By Anupam manav

Home - TIMES › news › top-news › post-questions-f... ... GAMING · HOW-TO · KNOWLEDGE BANK · NEWS · SPACE · Environment ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... So why won't I teach you, pick up the history and see how many questions of ... NASA is a scientist, but Dr- poul can means that you will replace senior NASA official or Obama.

By Anupam manav

Home - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... Home - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... NASA ... it is not possible for you to make any scientific discovery in the future, without ... what are .. SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA ... Before ... How can it proved without seeing it? How do the ... Yes, it requires brain, reduce your shortage.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions For NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES › news › top-news › post-questions-f... It is not possible for you to make any scientific discovery in the future, without my mind . ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at ... an unprecedented new window on the universe and it will prove useful in the ... Missing: coronavirus's ‎| Must include: coronavirus's

By Anupam manav

Home - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... Anupam Manav presentations | ... manav. can ozone layer stopped to be destroyed ... where is the ozone layer, when did your theory fail? also sleep in home, ...

By Anupam manav

NASA Scientist Dr. Post Question for Paul A. … I can answer, but I do not want to answer your questions. Put your questions in front of any other scientist, maybe that scientist feels some pity on you. Little scientist, baby scientist, asking NASA's life ... NASA made me small by writing such a big thing, does NASA keep its scientists so small. Does more praise also make a person smaller, but I definitely become smaller than praise. I need protest to grow up, but protest needs logic and logic.

By Anupam manav

312/5000 Home - TIMES ›News› Top-News ›Post-Question-F ... NASA's chief scientist Anupam Man ... It is not possible for you to make any scientific discovery in the future, without ... What are supermassive black holes? ... I cannot call you stupid or sly, because you seem to be of the third type i.e. Shankar Nashl. .. 6

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA ... Before asking meaningless questions - you need to consider every question, that is, it should be thoughtfully asked. It is also a big thing that in front of whom are you posing questions. Because you are currently working somewhere.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav ... SlideSharew ›Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA ... Before asking meaningless questions - you need to consider every question, that is, it should be thoughtfully asked. It is also a big thing that in front of whom are you posing questions. Because you are currently working somewhere.

By Anupam manav

NASA scientist for Paul A. Drs. Post Question ... - Times NI ... Do NASA pictures go viral ... mission to Mars. How would you respond to those who feel that there is no case for the Moon? ... if you are a NASA scientist, then give me the details of any of your discoveries, then I will ask if that is not the case. Because NASA does not know human body structure, NASA is paramount in Humans just because of discoveries. ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam Manav

By Anupam manav

NASA scientist for Paul A. Drs. Post Question ... - Times ›News› Top News ›Post-Question-F ... By Hirensai. Do NASA pictures go viral ... mission to Mars. How would you respond to those who feel that there is no case for the Moon? ... If you are a NASA scientist, then give me the details of any of your discoveries, then I will ask if that is not the case. ... NASA Chief Scientist Anupam manav

By Anupam manav

Home - TIMES ›News› Top-News ›Post-Question-F ... Sir, will the new horizons return to Earth? ... Relativity has opened an unprecedented new window on the universe and it will prove useful in the space ahead ... you Keep the semi knowledge with you, it will be very useful for your children in the future.

By Anupam manav

Home - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... By hirensai. आपके लिए भविष्य में कोई वैज्ञानिक खोज करना संभव नहीं है, बिना खोज के, वैज्ञानिक को इतना नहीं सोचना चाहिए। मुझे अच्छी तरह पता है कि मुझे सामने वाले को क्या जवाब देना है, चाहे वह बृहस्पति बड़ा हो या छोटा, फिर नासा की तस्वीरों पर नज़र डालें और शायद आपका भ्रम भी टूट जाए। तुम पृथ्वी पर हो इससे ज्यादा तुम हो। 1- मेरे पास कोई संख्या नहीं है, लेकिन मैं पृथ्वी पर प्रत्येक मानव को प्रस्तुत करूंगा, अंत से शुरू होकर,

By Anupam manav

It is not possible for you to have any scientific discovery in the future, without searching, the scientist should not think so much. I know very well what I have to answer to the front, whether the Jupiter is big or small, then take a look at NASA's pictures and maybe even break your delusion. You are more on earth than you are. 1- I do not have any number, but I will present every human on earth, starting from the end, I will start from the end.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul, ... Answ your interest in ... I did not refuse any vegetable saler for any science questions, today taught half a hour to a vegetable person. He was also a science student like you, I was surprised to see his interest in science. So why won't I teach you, pick up the history and see how many questions of the medium have been answered. But what happened when they talked about asking for fees?

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES How will energy - become dark energy, I will explain. NASA is a scientist, it means that you will replace senior NASA official or Obama. If the question was wrong then the answer would also be wrong, Currently does not do the job, ... unique human

By Anupam manav

Anupam Manav presentations | › Anupammanav Work NASA Chief Scientist at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Industry Education; About i want to give scientific education to humans.

By Anupam manav

Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... Sir, I am a science student myself and I have great interest in knowing different facts about science. But I want to know how did you build up your interest in ... Truth is one, you know the whole thing in terms of my life, or understand scientific science. Nobody eats from both sides, ... dark energy discovery, element - physics expert Anupam manav


Post Questions for NASA Scientist Dr Paul A ... - TIMES ›news› top-news ›post-questions-f ... Sir, I am a science student myself and I have great interest in knowing different facts about science. But I want to know how did you build up your interest in ... As soon as I know, I will send you the news immediately, but this work will take 55 years. Are you ready now


Sir, I am a science student myself and I have great interest in knowing different facts about science. But I want to know how did you build up your interest in ... 55 years will be written in 55 years, are you ready to read? And then I will come to the same place, where the present but present will also be left behind. I think you will not understand, I think it would be better to go ahead.

By Anupam manav

can ozone layer stopped to be destroyed

By by taruni

there is a talk that someone hacked NASA TOP SECRET FILE IS IT REAL ?if real what is it?

By hirensai

NASA images goes viral of water art are real?


When insects sit on a wire why it doesn't get shock?

By deekshitha.k

When insects sit on a wire why it doesn't get shock?

By deekshitha.k

sir, will new horizons sucessfuly return to earth?

By Dhruva khunekari

Sir,could solar stroms-induced electricity blockouts could cost more than $ 40 billion to us

By Ashok seervi

Sir, I am myself a Science student and I have great interest in knowing different facts about Science. But I want to know that how did you build up your interest in Science field and what are your best experiences that you would like to share with us?

By Kashish Verma

I want to learn space cities' design/ there any work going on in NASA in this field? Please tell how can I keep myself updated in this area.

By Pratishtha Batra

Sir, do you think that the detection of gravitational waves by LIGO which confirms a major prediction of Albert Einstein’s 1915 general theory of relativity has opened an unprecedented new window onto the cosmos and will prove useful in further space researches?

By Himanshi Dhawan

Some have made the argument that the moon is just wasting time that should be devoted to the more important mission of getting to Mars. How do you respond to people who feel there's not a case for the moon?

By Piyush Chauhan

What are supermassive black holes? Will our Sun become a black hole one day ? Which is the black hole that is nearest to earth?


How is it assumed that Jupiter is bigger than Earth? How can it proved without seeing it? How do the comets move without air in space?

By P.Ahalya

Does life exist in any other planet? Will a time come when we can go to space for a holiday or to spend a vacation just as we go to various places? Are there any chances of our planet getting destroyed? If so, we're will our next destination be? :)

By Aadrit Banerjee

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  • About Us

Times Newspaper in Education (Times NIE) is a novel program that helps students ‘Stay Ahead’ and aims at making ‘Learning Fun’. It introduces concepts that help individual growth and development beyond school curriculum.

A brainchild of The Times of India, the world’s leading English newspapers, Times NIE nurtures progress and innovation. Adapted from the international concept, Times Newspaper in Education program (Times NIE) was initiated in India in 1985.

Today we have over 3000 schools and over 9 lac students subscribing to the programme, spanning 16 cities viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kochi, Lucknow, Coimbatore, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, and Jaipur.

The Times of India Student edition, a customized student newspaper exclusively for the students, packs a powerful punch in terms of content that leads to a smarter and superior learning experience. The information is crafted such that it finds use in classroom discussions, thus making it relevant and current. It truly gives education a new dimension by fostering the simple habit of reading which in turn paves the way for a confident, informed and aware individual. A newspaper that inspires young minds and equips them to face challenges of today’s world, making way for global citizens.

Empowering students with new cutting-edge knowledge through various educative and informative activities is a commitment and tradition of Times NIE. The programme serves as a catalyst of education and interaction, as well as a window into the minds of the quintessential Indian youth. On a significant scale Times NIE comprises diverse interesting activities and events that boost the child’s passion for learning, while revealing hidden talent.

While you are aware that The Times of India is among the leading English Newspapers across the world, it has consummated its position as an everlasting winner. With several international awards and recognitions to its credit, The Times of India and Times NIE have validated an enduring tradition of setting the highest benchmarks in every respect. We have been awarded with the two most prestigious awards, Times NIE - World’s No.1 NIE program and The Times of India, Student Edition - World’s No.1 Newspaper for the youth in 2006 by the celebrated World Association of Newspapers (WAN). In 2008 we were honoured by the International Newspaper Marketing Association (INMA), yet another international recognition for ‘Youth Audience Development’. In 2013 we were again honoured by the celebrated World Association of Newspapers (WAN) as the ‘Times NIE - World’s Best Youth Engagement Program’.

Times NIE has grown remarkably over the last three and a half decades, touching millions of children across more than 16 Indian cities. Our absolute commitment towards the fledgling generation remains undiluted and our greatest strength lies in the school partnership and commitment.

  • Times NIE World Awards



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