No To Colourism In School. Your Take?

    • Publish Date: Apr 24 2017 1:18PM
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    • Updated Date: Apr 25 2017 12:44PM
No To Colourism In School. Your Take?

In a country where more than 70% of the population is either dark skinned or wheatish, the obsession for fairness is paradoxical. It starts with celebs who endorse fairness creams and trickles down to schools where skin colour becomes a reason for discrimination. Many students in Delhi NCR are advocating  #notocolourism. Times NIE joins them in this campaign  

Abhay Deol Speaks On This Fixation

The premise is wrong, should be questioned, not ignored. Because if you let it be for now, this colour fixation will only grow to a gargantuan level. So, fight now and fight hard. There’s nothing fair about being treated differently because you are of a certain colour. We are in a new millennium, let these manipulated ideas of beauty and colour not infest our minds and mould our concept of beauty. 

Let’s focus on aspects which could bring about a positive change. As for your natural skin colour, bask in its glory; you have nothing to be ashamed of. 

Ritika Arora Says She Was Hurt Psychologically

My teacher was concerned about how I was going to find a match. Others gave unsolicited advice on how I could make my skin tone lighter! Did I like  this shaming due to my dark colour? No! I cried, researched on skin transplant when I should have been studying physics. One day, I realised that I am comfortable in my skin and didn’t care about colour shamers. Maybe you should do that too!   

She is an ex-student

Enough Talk, Let's Act Now: Nandita Das 

A lot more people need to speak up against such petty discrimination. A responsible effort by people  to curb this kind of shaming is the need of the hour. What you need to know is that whether you are fair or dark, you have a purpose in life. For those who shame you for your skin, remind them that they haven’t earned theirs too! 


  • According to a recent survey, skin whitening and smoothening are amongst the grooming activities that people indulge in, in India. 67% of the respondents claimed that they go for skin whitening while 17% go for beauty treatments on a daily basis. 
  • 30% of young adults (YA) below 18 have had a facial. 
  • 7% YA said they make parlour appointments quite regularly. 

Moolah matters

  • The beauty and wellness industry in India stands at Rs.61,534 cr with CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 14%, making India among the top 3 spenders in beauty 

Have You Ever Faced Bias For Your Skin Colour At School? What Is The Best Way To Deal With These Bias-es? 

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I have never been through any such situation. What I feel is that the fairness creams that come really make a huge difference because they keep that idea of fairness in the minds of people.


I have never faced bias for my skin colour. The best way to deal with is just ignore the people bullying you because of your skin colour they will themselves stop discriminating, even if they continue to do so, they are sure to end up in a pit someday.

Himanshi Dhawan Saffron Public School

I have never faced such a situation but yes one of my friends had. He had a dark complexion and so many of our classmates used to make fun of him. We need to change our mindset. Beauty lies in one''s heart and not in one''s body color. Also, I don''t appreciate fairness creams and the actors who endorse them. They should be careful while promoting a brand that can leave an indelible impact on the people.

TAVISHA ARORA dav public school

no i have not faced such a situation . and i think that color difference is not a matter of concern in school all that matter''s is our performance in academics and many of the successful people have dark complexion but their success is noted by people not the color .

Aikya Oruganti Epistemo Global - Vikas Leadership School

This should not happen in any other school


People had called me blackie in my school but I never mind. People should not show racism on the basis of color and other aspects especially in schools and at other workplaces. Every person is unique in his or her own way. If a person is black or white, they don''t have to be discriminated because everyone comes to school to become someone in life. In fact, we should pledge not to discriminate on the basis of color.

Aikya Oruganti Epistemo Global - Vikas Leadership School

No,I have not faced such a situation If I had,I would have reported it immediately to a teacher .I agree that there should not be any colourism in school.This should not happen in any other school.

shubha tanaya Delhi School of Excellence Attapur

I have never faced such discrimination nor have i seen it in my school.All my classmates are sensitive and never tease someone because of their color.According to me the best way to deal with it ,is by ignoring the racists and informing them that in this century of knowledge,being racist only proves how low in society they really are.

Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

I have never went through such a situation. In this modern world we''ve lot to think about and work on. Skin colour doesn''t take you to success.

Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

Indirectly we are the major cause for it, by using fairness creams and by admiring the beauty of an artiste. We know it is not the natural beauty. It has become a practice for many people to judge people with their appearance.

Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

Opportunities have to be given only for their talents by the higher authorities. Which will make students concentrate on it instead of the skin colour.




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