How To Stay Safe From Paedophiles

    • Publish Date: Feb 20 2017 12:37PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Feb 20 2017 12:37PM
How To Stay Safe From Paedophiles

The arrest of a 38-year-old man in Delhi — who has confessed to abusing more than 500 children — is a disturbing reminder of how more and more children are becoming vulnerable to exploitation

Child abuse is a universal problem and its rising incidence in India is a wake-up call for empowering kids with safety knowhow. Dr Jitender Nagpal, psychiatrist at Moolchand Medicity, Delhi, who is conducting workshops in schools to help children learn about Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), gives helpful tips on staying safe from sexual predators. 

According to the 2015 data compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 8,800 cases of rape on children were registered across the country under the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act (POCSO). Around 35.8% of offenders in these cases were non-strangers and mostly neighbours

1 Feel free to feel uncomfortable: Don’t limit your discomfort only to outsiders and strangers. If you feel uncomfortable with a touch, even if it a “harmless hug”, feel free to say it, minus any guilt. While there may be cases where you are confused about the difference between a right and wrong touch, ask an elder who you trust. Also, it’s your right to decide if a gesture that looks harmless is okay for you or not. There may be instances when you don’t want to hug an extended family member because you don’t feel good about it. So, be your own decision maker, without feeling scared. 

2 Respect your body and mind: No matter what anyone says, be it your friends or relatives, love your body type, skin colour and be proud of it. Body image issues lead to complexes, and in many cases, these insecurities are exploited by a potential paedophile. If you are confident about yourself, you know how to face tricky situations; it doesn’t give power to paedophiles to prey on your insecurities and befriend you.

3 Report anything “off-colour” to the parent you are close to: There are instances when sexual offenders, who may be a neighbour, family friend or a relative, “woos” a child by making him/her feel special, which is followed by inappropriate demands. If you notice anything that is remotely offensive, like subtle sexual jokes, tell the person concerned that you don’t like it. Share the incident with your parent or someone you are comfortable with. 

4 Don’t share personal details online:  The world of social networking is all cool and fun. But it is also a place where like other criminals, paedophiles, too try to befriend potential victims by sweet talking them into meeting at a private place. Therefore, it’s important not to give your mobile number and home address on these sites and don’t agree for a meeting with a stranger – private or public. Again, report anything fishy to your parents or even teachers. 

5 Awareness is the master key: Know what is happening around you. Read the news, be informed about incidents in your city, area and locality. Also, memorise important phone numbers and details of people you can ask for help in emergency situations. Like, if someone is following you at night, just call a police station and your family members. Don’t try to deal with the situation alone. 

What is child sexual abuse? 
Child sexual abuse means engaging a child in any sexual activity that he/she does not understand or cannot give informed consent for, or is not physically, mentally or emotionally prepared to handle. The abuse can be conducted by an adult or another child. This form of abuse has grave consequences on the psychological, physical, behavioural, and interpersonal well-being of the victim 

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Rohit Raju Naresh Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Taylors Road

When these people are (paedophiles) they must first be sent to a psychiatrist to find out why they are paedophiles. For some of them their parents were paedophiles and they had to witness these sexual acts. I truly feel sorry for these people my eyes well up with tears when thinking of their childhood. Some of them are just perverts these perverts must be punished and fined stiffly.




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