'Teaching Students Facts No Longer Critical'

    • Dheeraj.Jangra@timesgroup.com
    • Publish Date: Oct 1 2016 6:06PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Oct 1 2016 6:27PM
'Teaching Students Facts No Longer Critical'

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman recently said that “teaching students facts is no longer important in the digital age and emphasis should be given on critical thinking…”

Before Internet happened and instant access to answers on Google was not available, facts were important. But nowadays, the emerging belief is that, it’s more important to impart skills such as independent research, interpreting evidence and critical thinking rather than learning dates, facts and figures by rote. As the saying goes, “Education is nothing more, nor less, than learning to think!”
A student pointed out that the Internet has made acquiring a large body of facts unnecessary. “We can always use our smartphones to quickly search for facts.”

Learning facts still matter
Albert Einstein stated that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” So, does it mean that that factual knowledge and ability to think are two different things? No, argues Sonali Mazumdar, teacher, Venkateshwar Global School, New Delhi.  “Factual knowledge matters even in this age of Internet because it determines the speed by which you can acquire new knowledge on a topic. Facts and critical thinking are interrelated. Having a well-understood fact ready to recall is far different from merely getting an unfamiliar answer to a question.”

Another teacher explains it with an example: “Knowing when the World War I took place won’t give you an insight on its causes and effects. Students will remember the facts and figures related to World War I if they know the stories behind them. You can’t reason critically or creatively without first having amassed a large amount of factual knowledge.” Teachers say that facts aren’t isolated stems, but woven together. The way to memorize them is to understand them via connections. Google can teach you historical facts but not historical thinking. It can teach you math, but not mathematical thinking. This is why Google or Wikipedia can never reduce the importance of teachers and the need to learn facts.

Cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham had said that in an interview that “The cognitive processes that are most esteemed—logical thinking, problem solving, and the like—are intertwined with knowledge. It is certainly true that facts without skills to use them are of little value. It is equally true that one cannot deploy thinking skills effectively without factual knowledge.”

A study titled ‘Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips’ found that over-reliance on Google is weakening our memory. “We are reorganizing the way we remember things,” psychologist Betsy Sparrow says in the paper. “We remember less through knowing information itself than by knowing where the information can be found.” She goes on to explain that teachers are likely to steer away from memorization as a conventional learning method, and instead turn to “imparting greater understanding of ideas and ways of thinking.”

Do you believe that knowing facts still matters, even in an age of Wikipedia? Let's know your views in the comments below. 



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Ritvik Baweja Bal Bharati Public School

In this technological era, knowing factual knowledge still matters. If we don''t know some basic facts then how can we do further elaborate critical research on that. Even though research is the need for higher studies but without knowing simple facts one can''t move further to critical thinking.

Ritvik Baweja Bal Bharati Public School

On other hand if we see, then we could realise that when a child indulges critical thinking and self practice he develops the skills to learn more and to memories for a longer time, while by just mugging up the facts and one- liners we can''t do that.


Knowing facts does matter, but not that much. Nowadays, job opportunities and stuff come out as a result of logical thinking, and not facts. Nobody is going to come up to us and say, "Hey, there''s this problem, and you need to know the formulas to how a ball rolls to solve it." All the problems that arise basically need out-of-the-box and logical reasoning, and facts merely form the most basic base for that.


Facts are not an isolated part. They form the basis of all the subjects and fields. Even in maths, physics, chemistry if one does not now the formulas, theorems and laws .Then one will not be able to solve problems. But instead of memorising them one should know how it has evolved. Similary in subjects like bio, history, pol. science etc. If learnt in a right way within a sequence. Like drawing the places on map and interconnecting things, making diagrams looking the models makes it research.


No, one is not required to cram all the facts, one can always find them in books or surf them on the internet. It''s not the facts which matter, but the ideas.

Onkarpreet Bhavan Vidyalaya

I completely agree with what Mr.Hoffman had to say. Why do we have to memorize facts? What we actually need to know is the story behind the facts. Our education system stresses on mugging up facts and stirring them down. What use? Instead there should be reforms. We need agendas to think about. We need to present ideas. This will prove useful.

Himanshi Dhawan Saffron Public School

I don''t think that facts are of paramount importance for a student. Living in a country like India, where cramming system prevails and percentage matters a lot than understanding laying emphasis on facts is not a good idea. One here just needs to put all his resourcefulness and efforts in the answer sheet. That''s all. So, there''s no requirement for learning facts.


I think knowing facts matters even in the age of Wikipedia as we are not given any sort of explanations as given by teachers,classroom interactions are far better,if it comes to the matter of advancement of schools by usage of tablets then,it is going to be an excellent act.


Not actually




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