Dolly Dhawan, PGT English Gyan Devi Salwan Public School, New Delhi

How To Attempt English Core Class XII Paper

    • Dolly Dhawan
    • Publish Date: Oct 25 2016 4:48PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Oct 26 2016 11:06AM
How To Attempt English Core Class XII Paper

The complete knowledge of the subject is not sufficient enough, but reproducing it on the answer sheet in an efficient manner matters a lot to earn more marks. 

  • Write mostly textual language. Fill the answer with textual "value points".
  • Be precise, concise and to the point. Don't write in points but paragraph form.
  • Write the answer in the same tense in which the question is asked.
  • Underline the important words or phrases. 
  • A good beginning and a proper conclusion will fetch good marks.

Suggestions for not committing mistakes  

  • Never copy a wrong spelling from the question.
  • Don't answer what is not asked.
  • Write simple and pleasant English while answering questions and don't try to be scholarly by using difficult connotations.
  • Never write answers in incomplete sentences or beginning with 'Because' and letting the sentence incomplete.

Some Best and Worst Answers  

1) 'Civil disobedience had triumphed, the first time in modern India.' Comment. 

Best answer: Gandhiji began his Civil Disobedience Movement in Champaran by refusing to leave the place as ordered by the police authorities. His arrest and trial followed. But finally the judiciary had to release Gandhiji and drop his case due to pressure from the peasants and thus his Civil Disobedience Movement became successful in Champaran. 

Worst answer: Gandhiji won the Civil Disobedience Movement in Champaran when all peasants gathered and forced the judges to drop the case against Gandhiji.

2) How was Zitkala Sa different from the other native American students? 

Best answer: Zitkala Sa was a native American girl. She had great love for her tradition and culture. She was proud of her beliefs. She held closer to her heart these beliefs and felt hurt when the rest of the girls followed foreign culture without any hesitation. 

Worst answer: Zitkala Sa was predominantly aware of the condescending fact that every tradition has its own greatness and she didn't quite accept any colonial imposition on her culture, her beliefs and her convictions.

3) What was Sophie's reaction when Jansie questioned her about Danny Casey? 

Best answer: Sophie was upset when Jansie revealed that she had come to know about Sophie's meeting with Casey. She felt betrayed as Geoff had let out her secret. Jansie accused her of lying, but Sophie convinced her otherwise. She was apprehensive that Jansie might spread the rumour in the neighbourhood.

Worst answer: Sophie was a day dreamer. To make Jansie believe her, she pretended as Geoff hurted her, She asked Jansie how much did he told you? Oh! Thank God, he told you this much only! And became sad and quite so that Jansie believed her that she really met Danny.

Tips on time management while answering questions during exams 

Time Management is very crucial in English paper. Hence cater to the word limit and divide the sections of the paper into three hours allotted to you. 

Start by working out what carries the most marks, and how long you're going to need to get those marks.

Stick to the word limit as instructed in the question paper.

Divide the time between the questions to be answered.

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