There are a number of things we use in our daily lives that are harmful to the environment. Here are seven you need to replace rightaway – and why...
Plastic Bags
Why: Did you know there are 1 trillion non-biodegradable plastic bags ‘disposed’ each year which break down waterways, clog landfill sites and release toxic chemicals when burnt?
Alternative: Use jute bags or paper bags that can be recycled as often as you can.
Hand Wash

Why: Many hand wash brands contain the chemical triclosan which can lead to serious health conditions. The chemical is resilient and can survive water treatment – it can reach the ocean and destroy bacteria that form the base of the food chain.
Alternative: Choose safe soaps that don't contain tricolosan, triclocarbon or fragrances. Alcohol-based sanitisers are a better bet than those with active ingredients. You can even opt for natural soaps.

Why: Some brands contain plastic microbeads, a leading contributor to the huge amounts of plastic that enter the ocean every year. In the long run, this affects wildlife and the marine environment. Microbeads don't biodegrade easily and can't be caught in clean-up exercises. They also attract toxic chemicals as they travel.
Alternative: Use salt- and sugar-based or herbal toothpastes.
Wet Wipes

Why: Wipes contain plastic and cannot be broken down easily like toilet paper. If flushed through the toilet or dumped in sewers, these non-biodegradable products cause blockages. They wash up in huge volumes on beaches.
Alternative: It is better to use a cloth hankerchief or duster. If using wet wipes, you should dispose them off properly in garbage bins instead of flushing them down the toilet.
Plastic Bottles

Why: Plastic - is non-biodegradable- poses one of the major threats to the rapid decline in seabird populations as well as affect the marine environment.
Alternative: Either use a reusable container for drinking water or throw your plastic bottles in garbage bins that send the trash for recycling thereby giving it a second life as packaging, home decor or even clothes.
Old Clothes

Why: Do you wear everything that's in your wardrobe? Unlikely. Do you know that while you are expanding your wardrobe with clothes that won't even last you a season, thousands of tons of textile waste are being added to global landfills? The more we follow the new consumption pattern, the more energy and resources we waste when throwing old clothing away.
Alternative: Buy only as much you will wear. You can contact NGOs that turn old clothes into useful material such as bags, comforters, even bedsheets, if you have anything in surplus.
Old Batteries

Why: Batteries contain toxic chemicals and heavy metals that can leach into the environment once the casing disintegrates. Did you know that just one battery can contaminate 400 litres of water and nearly 20 square metres of soil? It is illegal to dispose of household batteries in the trash.
Alternative: Look for places in your neighbourhood where old batteries are collected for proper disposal or recycled into new ones. Collect old batteries and deposit them at these centres.