Animals are such agreeble friends.They ask no questions.They just love you back.
A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae, in the order Eulipotyphla. There are seventeen species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in New Zealand by introduction.Lifespan: 2 – 5 years.
Mini pigs
Mini pigs can make fabulous, unrivaled pets. They can be as affectionate as a dog or cat, cleaner and smarter than both and continually astound you with their aptitude for learning tricks. In fact, mini pigs might be the best kept pet secret around .They can live upto 12-15 years.It's cost's upto 1.5k .
Pygmy goats
A pygmy goat is a breed of miniature domestic goat. Pygmy goats tend to be kept as pets primarily, though also work well as milk producers and working animals.The pygmy goat is quite hardy, an asset in a wide variety of settings, and can adapt to virtually all climates.Castrated males are called wethers and can be shown in pet classes. There are also pedigree classes at shows for entire goats.
Sugar glider
Sugar glider generally 5 - 12 inches long with a tail that is 6 - 9 inches long.There fur is bluish gray with a pale belly and a dark stripe that runs around the back.S ugar glider have gliding membranes that allow efficient movement.Sugar glider are nocturnal and are energetic at night.They make noise such as chriping and barking.They feed on inserts,gums and nactar from various tress and plants.
Fennec fox
The fennec fox or fennec is a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara of North Africa. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which also serve to dissipate heat.The fennec fox is the smallest species of canid in the world. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to high-temperature, low-water, desert environments. In addition, its hearing is sensitive enough to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds.
Spotted genet
The spotted genet, is a small viverrid indigenous to Africa that was introduced to southwestern Europe and the Balearic Islands.Common genets have a slender, cat-like body, 43 to 55 cm in length, and a tail measuring 33 to 52 cm. Males, with an average weight of 2 kilograms, are about 10% larger than females. The legs are short, with cat-like feet and semi-retractile claws. They have a small head with a pointed muzzle, large oval ears, large eyes, and well-developed whiskers up to 7 cm in length.
The capybara is a large rodent of the genus Hydrochoerus of which the only other extant member is the lesser capybara . The capybara is the largest rodent in the world.Native to South America, the capybara inhabits savannas and dense forests and lives near bodies of water. It is a highly social species and can be found in groups as large as 100 individuals, but usually lives in groups of 10–20 individuals. The capybara is not a threatened species and is hunted for its meat.
The serval is a medium-sized African wild cat native to sub-Saharan Africa.It is a strong yet slender animal, with long legs and a fairly short tail. Due to its leg length, it is relatively one of the tallest cats. The head is small in relation to the body, and the tall, oval ears are set close together. The pattern of the fur is variable. Usually, the serval is boldly spotted black on tawny, with two or four stripes from the top of the head down the neck and back, transitioning into spots.
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