Colours That Motivate

    • Aarushi Garg
    • Publish Date: Jul 6 2018 1:45PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Jul 9 2018 12:40PM
Colours That Motivate

There are days when life seems a mess and stress levels are rising, when motivation quotes or meditation sessions aren’t working... that’s when a pinch of magical colour therapy is all you need. Make your life a canvas and paint it your way, says Aarushi Garg 

Yellow spreads feelings of joy and excitement while blue is calming; these primary colours mixed together form green. Green creates a feeling of balance and well being. A study suggests that walking amid nature early in the morning, or planting saplings in your balcony can soothe cerebral veins. You need it when you feel helpless and totally out of control. The colour acts as a band-aid to the otherwise hectic lives that we lead. It does so by soothing our mind. Lack some tranquillity? Go Green! 

Colour of the smileys — yellow — it represents the colour of excitement. According to psychologists, this colour affects the  left side of our brain where deep thinking and perception dwells. Having a yellow diary to note down things or wearing a yellow dress can cheer your state of mind. You might want to get some yellow in your life when matters are not going your way.

Blue has a very ubiquitous aura. Be it the blue sky or shades of the sea, the purity and calmness of blue can beat the heat of your problems. Psychologists in the US, have come up with various studies which suggest that if you’re having problems at work or studies, try changing the colour of your walls to blue, it increases productivity and stimulates clear thoughts.

Remember when Maa used to put “kaala tikka” on our foreheads? It is scientifically proven that the colour has the power to fight evil forces. So, if you feel insecure and powerless, black might help you suppress your struggle. It helps to elevate your performance.

There may come a time when you are frustrated with life... injecting some red can boost your enthusiasm and passion. The colour with the longest wavelength (which is scientifically tried and tested), red is the first colour to attract attention thus striking the mind and soul.  As red is the colour for anger, it also has the ability to light up dull and lost spirits.

Just as black absorbs light, white reflects it, thus it’s said to create a barrier for all the problems coming in our direction. White is also the colour of healing and protection and raises harmony in one’s life. One of the reasons, why hospital walls are usually white is that they provide a serene and fortifying aura.


Every Number Has A Colour

Number 1 
Lucky colour: white & Yellow
Number 1 students should wear white and yellow. White to bring peace, while the quintessential yellow stands for success. 

Number 2
Lucky colour: dark shades of anything 
Number 2 is the luckiest of all numbers because they can wear all the colours! Everything they wear will suit them. Students born on this number should wear bright hues for increased life force. 

Number 3
Lucky colour: Red 
The number 3 is restless and tends to get impatient about results. They should wear the colour red to increase their confidence level. Students of this number group can also opt for the calming blue colour. It will help in soothing their anxiety. 

Number 4
Lucky colour: green
Number 4 is known to be agile and a keen learner. They should wear more of green colour to bring them peace and prosperity in everything.

Number 5
Lucky colour: black
Number 5 group has dynamic people. They should wear black to protect themselves from the evil eye. They should also wear earthy colours to bring stability.

Number 6
Lucky colour: pink
Number 6 suffers from temperament issues. They should wear pastel colours for calmness. Colours like pink and white are safest options to keep them happy. 

Number 7
Lucky colour: purple
Number 7 people are very spiritual. They should wear Indigo and purple colours which gel very well with their peaceful personality.

Number 8
Lucky colour: brown  
They should wear brown in all its shades to give them a strong earth element and prevent them from falling sick.

Number 9
Lucky colour: White
They should wear a lot of white to control their anger and irritability. 

(These predictions are made by Dr Madhu Kotiya, renowned Tarot mentor, energy Vastu Expert, Numerologist). The opinions expressed in this column are the views of the writer.  


Why is the red carpet, RED?
The earliest references to ‘red carpet’ can be traced back to 458 BC. In the Greek play ‘the Oresteia’, Clytemnestra laid out a red carpet to welcome home her husband, Agamemnon. For ancient Greeks, red was seen as a colour of the gods thus making it a special and warm colour. Shortly after the play was released, many painters began using red carpets in their work to illustrate royalty or wealth.


Bleed blue, indeed
Blue has been chosen as the colour of awareness for many intellectual disabilities, including autism – because Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) – affects the mind and its regular functioning. To think of it, blue also has a calming effect on the mind, which is why it is the popular choice for the bedroom and study. It also denotes honesty and trust – so many banks use this colour as their trademark. 

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Agrata Verma Presidium School Ashok Vihar

Definitely these colours are motivating...




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