Absolute Freedom

    • Speaking Tree
    • Publish Date: Oct 25 2017 2:10PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Oct 25 2017 2:10PM
Absolute Freedom

The teachings of the Bhagwad Gita by Krishna to Arjuna are applicable to all human beings everywhere.The Gita is an excellent manual for life for it guides human beings not only about the view or the goal of life but also shows the way to attain that goal. In that sense, the Gita is a priceless text. The Bhagwad Gita shows a grieving Arjuna perturbed at the prospect of the death of his kith and kin in war. He asks Krishna to resolve this dilemma on the battleground. Krishna begins his teachings by unfolding the true nature of the Self or the Truth. Ignorance of one’s true nature is the fundamental cause of all human grief, bondage and limitation.Ignorance not only veils the true nature of the Self but creates misapprehension that the body is the self. Consequently, birth, death and various states of the body are taken to belong to the self.This creates the misconception that one is mortal and limited.

Showing this inadequacy, Krishna, beautifully reveals that in reality, one is limitless, and not limited and that the happiness that you constantly seek is not away from you, but is within your very Self.All that is needed is to give up the notions born of ignorance and own up to the fullness which is the reality of the Self. The Gita, thus, primarily teaches that knowing the true nature of the Self is the goal of life.But the knowledge of the Self is subtle and calls for a mind which is equally subtle and pure to grasp and retain this knowledge. The Bhagwad Gita advocates KarmaYoga as a way of life to prepare the mind for this knowledge. Krishna says,‘May you perform your actions with the attitude of offering unto the creation which is nothing but a manifestation of God. Recognise that you have been the beneficiary of all that the universe has done and continues to do for you.

May you return the favour with a sense of gratitude and gladly accept the outcome of your actions as the grace of God. Karma yoga is a shift in your attitude towards life — from consumer to contributor, from self-centredness to other-centredness.Karma yoga, in short,is putting into practice the view of life that the Self is already complete. A karma yogi does not want anything for himself and dedicates his life to serve the world and Ishwara. This brings about a complete metamorphosis of the mind, ridding it of its impurities and making it fit to receive knowledge that culminates in the finding of the true Self, absolute freedom and happiness.



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Prathamesh Kandale HILLGREEN SCHOOL

Yes!This is absolutely true in regards with every situation in Life!Bhagvad-Gita is very difficult to understand but if you have understood its true meaning,then you get to deal with every problems in your own way

Aishwarya Iyer Deens Academy

Very deep! And thought provoking!

Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

So deep message! All the epics contain beautiful thoughts which is applicable to every generation!




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