A Meaningful Life

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    • Publish Date: Jul 18 2017 1:21PM
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    • Updated Date: Jul 18 2017 1:21PM
A Meaningful Life

Setting goals and enjoying the work being done to achieve them is what gives life a meaning, says GULSHAN KUMAR MADAN

Setting a goal for yourself is necessary for having a meaningful life.While it is never too late to set a goal, it is equally important to know the nuances of setting one.To set a goal, you have to listen to your heart — and though it is on the left, it is always right. To listen to that small voice coming from your heart, you need to stop all the other noises that are there in your mind.When your mind is clear, you can understand the voice of your heart easily.This process calms and relaxes your mind and helps you observe your thoughts without getting attached to them. Let them come and go; just be a silent observer.When they stop, only then can you listen to your heart for the purpose of setting a goal for life.You can test the correctness of your goal on the following parameters:

After finalising the goal, feel happy from within. Even when you are tired or exhausted, you still should enjoy it.

The goals that are set by your mind out of jealously, competition, pretence, out of ego or for materialistic gain, are tiresome and might burn you. ¦ People who set goals with their mind do not enjoy the journey and end up leaving them unfinished. So, take care and don’t waste your time and life on the wrong one. Don’t be in a hurry. Calm down and take a few days to imagine yourself meeting your goal. ¦ If you are happy,satisfied and comfortable with the thought of all the effort you will have to make,go ahead,you have got the right one.

Setting a goal for your own self and enjoying the work being done to achieve that goal gives life a meaning.This goal should have a feel-good factor — and be one in which you feel confident and exuberant as you work towards it. Now that you have set the right goal, let’s see how to go ahead. You must now share the news with your loved ones and discuss it as much as you can.This will help you to feel more confident.After a few days, you will find your entire thought process revolving around the goal. It may take days, months or even years to achieve your goal, depending on what has been selected.You are bound to face obstacles,but that doesn’t mean that you sit back and brood. Remember,‘ There is nothing like a problem, it is just the absence of an idea to find a solution’. Life is tough but always believe in yourself.You are tougher. Live and feel your goal as you feel the air on your body.At times you just have to dissolve your desires to make yourself feel lighter. 


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Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

"There is nothing like problem, it is just the absence of an idea to find a solution! " This is really awesome. Very good article.

Smruti Desai Bhavans A.H Wadia High School.

These thought are very inspiring and beautiful

shankar nayak Sree Narayana Vidya Bhavan

It was nice image It was really good




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