There is no clear cut definition of happiness, and happiness means different things to different people. Happiness is an emotion that arises from within us, but it has internal and external triggers/catalysts. By nature, every moment of his life, man is programmed to seek happiness, to constantly seek "feeling better". At any given point of time, consciously or unconsciously, our mental and physical effort and aim, is always to feel good, feel better. It is almost never our intention to feel bad or feel worse.
We all know the feeling of happiness. What we don't often realise is that whatever happiness we are feeling, is an emotion that is arising from within us. The source of happiness, the pot which contains happiness and keeps overflowing into our body and mind, is not outside of us, but deep within us. What we are trying to learn and understand constantly, is how we can access that pot of happiness, and make it overflow.
Happiness can arise from almost everything or anything. Happiness can arise from seeing a beautiful sunrise or sunset.
It can arise from seeing a child smile, from hearing or singing a favourite song, from hearing children squeal in delight, by giving alms to a beggar, by helping someone who is struggling with something, by achieving a goal, by passing an examination or securing a job, by buying or owning something that we always dreamed of having, it can arise when someone recovers from a financial, physical or mental problem, when we win a prize or lottery etc. In reality, there are a million things, people or occurrences which can trigger that pot of happiness inside us, and make it burst and overflow.
When we are operating from lesser awareness or consciousness, we are often blind to many facts, one of them being that happiness resides inside us. We invariably feel that happiness is possible only when something in the external world changes to our benefit or comfort. While it is true that a favourable turn of events in the outer world does bring immense happiness, the outer world has its own movement and rhythm, determined by factors which we don't know, understand, and by factors which are beyond our control. It often takes us many decades of good and bad experiences, wisdom and maturity to realise this fact. Since we feel that happiness can only come to us from the outside, we spend most of our lives trying to manipulate the outer reality.
We try to find happiness by earning more money, by buying stuff, by possessing more assets, by going on vacations, spending on expensive lunches or dinners, buying more jewellery or clothes, trying to make our children more educated or more talented, keeping our spouse or parents happy, or by controlling the behaviour of others to suit us etc....the list is practically endless, and we all know what we do, to achieve happiness.
Unlike internal cost of happiness, which is very low, the external cost of happiness is often very high. To smile at someone, to watch a sunset, to help someone in trouble, to offer kind words, a piece of advice, to follow your passion, give someone attention, praise, or our time, is a low cost investment in happiness. To connect to oneself, to meditate, to exercise, to eat healthy, to pray---all these bring happiness without much cost. But when we want more possessions or favourable circumstances to bring happiness, the cost of happiness---in terms of effort, time, money, stress---all go up tremendously.
If I am programmed in such a way that I will feel happy only when I own a big house, a luxury car or when I take frequent international vacations, or possess fine designer jewellery, I am going to have to work hard, earn lots of money, and pay a heavy price for my happiness. And when I do achieve that object which bring me happiness, I am often not as happy as I thought I would be, because I have already spent or invested heavily on that project.
I am left wondering whether the effort and stress of earning and saving all that money, was actually worth the vacation or the car that I now have. The mind is always in a calculative mode, and often tells us that the cost-benefit ration of our happiness was not worth it.
We land up slogging and saving, only to discover that maybe it was not worth the effort. The happiness, which we get, is often a diluted form of happiness. This leads to dissatisfaction, and by the law of attraction, this brings more people or events which trigger dissatisfaction, taking us further away from where we started---to find happiness.
Try it out for yourself. The day you dream of buying a big house, or going on a vacation abroad---feel that feeling on day one. And when this dream does eventually materialise or manifest, maybe six months, a year or a decade later, see if that original feeling of happiness matches the reality of your happiness.
The only exception to this cost analysis of happiness, is when we do something from our heart, out of love. Then there is no analysis or calculation. Hence, no parent grudges the amount of time, energy or money that he or she spends on their child. The same is true, for varying extents, when we do things for our parents, or siblings, or close friends.
Love has the ability to dilute our dissatisfaction, and raise our happiness levels, even if we are staring at material losses. That is the beauty of love. So, if you want happiness at any cost, try doing things out of love, and not out of compulsion, guilt, greed, fear or for seeking social approval, or for feeling powerful or superior.
Happiness, when sought after outside us, often comes at a high cost. Happiness, when sought after inside us, or from non-material things, is cheap, easy to get, and satisfying to the core. Next time you are chasing happiness, become aware, see clearly, and then decide if you can change the direction of seeking, from outside to inside.