Make Your Home Environment-Friendly

    • tnn
    • Publish Date: Jun 5 2018 1:26PM
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    • Updated Date: Jun 5 2018 1:26PM
Make Your Home Environment-Friendly

Back of the mind, in most cases, our innate desire is to constructively contribute towards bettering and preserving our Mother Earth, yet because of the hectic schedules, most of us are not able to affect this thought into action. Here are some easy ways to contribute to the environment by consciously making small efforts in ones daily life.

Create your own kitchen garden
"Kitchen Garden is commonly known to grow organic fruits and vegetables that are mostly consumed domestically. Each one of us can grow vegetables in their balcony and around the home, for better nutrition and minerals," said Harpreet Ahluwalia, owner, Earthly Creations.
Also, using terracotta pots for planting makes one's garden look elegant, fresh, and colourful. They are environment-friendly and bio-degradable. These can be easily shifted from one place to another. One can grow vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, radish lettuce, fenugreek, gourds, chilly, capsicum.

Add air purifying plants inside/outside your home
Aloe Vera, Snake plant, Ficus, Tulsi, Pipal are extremely effective at cooling air as well as removing pollutants and harmful virus from the air. Additionally, they aid in the better nourishment of the skin. Keep these plants in your bedroom for proper oxygen supply.

Switch to Terracotta rather than Plastic in your Garden
"Plants and trees give us oxygen- the most important element for our existence. Ironically, the present world's major population is holed to plastic, which is extremely harmful to both environment and plants. Having no perceived or actual benefit, plastic needs to be replaced by terracotta on an immediate basis," said Anjali Jain, owner, Kala Drishti.

Save Water while gardening
Group small and big plants together; it helps to save water in summers. By arranging them in a clustered form, the big plants will protect the small ones and thereby it will reduce the task of watering plants daily.
"Another activity to save water is mulching plants and garden with dry grasses. Doing this will help plants to store more water, as dry grass hold the water for longer time, it makes the evaporation process a bit slower and holds the water within the plants and in the ground as well," added Jain.

Decompose your biodegradable waste
Make manure from the kitchen wet waste. Create holi colors and waste flowers. Make leaf manure from the garden dry and green waste.
Recycle as much as possible: "Let's inculcate the habit of transforming waste into interesting decor items. As far as possible delay the waste from reaching the landfill thereby creating something out of nothing," concluded Harpreet Ahluwalia.

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Neha Varadharajan The Orbis School

I know well that these tips are well and true. I cannot have a kitchen garden, as I live in a society apartment-TOI can you please suggest what to do?




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