What Do You Mean By Macho Man

    • admin@nie.com
    • Publish Date: May 28 2016 6:41PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: May 28 2016 6:41PM
What Do You Mean By Macho Man


Brave alpha male, gentleman, or chauvinist? Students tell us what they associate with the word ‘macho’

So who and what exactly is ‘macho’? Is it about being a rebel, a non-conformist, a protector like Salman Khan in Dabangg who can beat up the bad guys with a shrug; or does it define someone who is responsible, mature when the situation calls for it, is free from pre-conceived notions and acts independently? Though there is still not a clear verdict on the word, and there will never be, NIE engages students in a discussion to find out... 


Strong Convictions Rule

nThe word macho is quite relevant for me these days because I am at the threshold of leaving boyhood and becoming a man. To be looked upon as someone who is ‘macho’ is every teenager's deep desire, but in the journey towards attaining this label we forget the real essence of what it actually means. Notwithstanding the popular belief that being macho is the direct result of clichéd male attributes such as good height, charismatic looks and a muscular body, I strongly feel that in today’s world the ‘macho’ man should be defined more by his inherent personality and morals than his appearance. It is this notion that motivates me to act the way I do, that is macho, though I do not have a muscular body. For me being assertive, standing up for my ideals and being a man with strong convictions is enough for me to be labelled as macho. 

Harsehaj Singh, class XI, Bhavan 


Macho symbolises will power. It has nothing to do with muscle, instead, it depicts a strong-willed person, and one who is righteous. Also, the term is not exclusive to boys or men alone, even girls who portray similar attitude are macho. 

Shaukat Ibrahim, class VIII, APS-Golconda, Hyderabad


In today’s time, when celebs like Emma Watson are promoting the ‘He for She’ movement — wherein men stand up for women —the gender order is changing. Terms like bimbo, gay and macho are outdated labels, and hold no relevance.

Avni Gupta, class XI, NPS, New Delhi

Girls Take 

Territorial is not macho

nMachismo epitomises manliness. In the past, we associated the traits of strength, honour, bravery and chivalry with a macho man. These days machismo is more associated with male dominance. Being ‘macho’ used to be about defending honour, which is now vaguely synonymous with a man’s pride and his ego. ‘Macho’ has become an unprovoked display of strength rather than standing up for noble, valiant causes of the past. Boys need to understand that simply working out and telling other boys to stay away from ‘your girl’ because you are territorial, does not make you ‘macho’, it just makes you annoying. Unfortunately, I think it is hard to prevent this, as machismo seems to have crossed over into the terrain of chauvinism.

Vatsala Peshawaria, class XII, Carmel Convent School, Chandigarh

To stand for what’s right

nMacho stands for might and amazing courage. It is not about being physically strong or masculine in appearance, but about being mentally strong, active, having belief in yourself, supporting equality, and standing up for what’s right. 

Lisa Mandal, Class IX, The Oxford Senior Secondary School, Bangalore

Territorial is not macho

nMachismo epitomises manliness. In the past, we associated the traits of strength, honour, bravery and chivalry with a macho man. These days machismo is more associated with male dominance. Being ‘macho’ used to be about defending honour, which is now vaguely synonymous with a man’s pride and his ego. ‘Macho’ has become an unprovoked display of strength rather than standing up for noble, valiant causes of the past. Boys need to understand that simply working out and telling other boys to stay away from ‘your girl’ because you are territorial, does not make you ‘macho’, it just makes you annoying. Unfortunately, I think it is hard to prevent this, as machismo seems to have crossed over into the terrain of chauvinism.

Vatsala Peshawaria, class XII, Carmel Convent School, Chandigarh

n Macho is a very sexist word. Being strong and brave is not related to masculinity, yet this word is put into use. People often believe that domineering and tough are adjectives related to men. The truth is that since ancient times, women have been underestimated, and repeatedly subjugated. I believe that we should stop using such words. 

Aarushi Gajri, class VIII, HFS, Mumbai


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