Groom Gyaan: Your First Shave Guide

    • Kumar Saurav
    • Publish Date: Sep 15 2016 11:25AM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Sep 15 2016 11:30AM
Groom Gyaan: Your First Shave Guide

Shaving for the first time is like learning to cycle, you will never perfect it without suffering a few bruises. Here are a few points that will help you get that perfect shave.

  • When is the right time to start shaving, the moment you discover the first few strands of facial hair or when the ‘farm’ is completely ready to be harvested: Advertisements have made us believe that running down a razor on your face is as suave as flying a fighter plane or as manly as operating a lawn mower, but let us warn you that after it becomes a routine, shaving every day is a ‘task’, waste of energy and nothing close to flying a MIG. So, please don’t start shaving before the time is right. Instead, trim. Having said that, don’t wait for so long that you start looking like a caveman. If you have an uneven growth, get rid of it either through trimming or  a clean shave. Beards can be saved for the 30s when your life is spoilt by work. 
  • Invest in the right razor: There are two types of razors that you can pick — electric or manual (disposable and non-disposable). Both of them pretty much get the work done. However, if you are a fan of a close shave, use the manual razor because electric ones don’t deliver get that close to the skin and the shave can be patchy. Besides, electric shavers might not work on certain types of skin even though they are much more gentle when compared to the manual razors, so weigh all these factors. If you are buying an electric one, make sure you invest in a time tested product, which are durable, preferably water proof and don’t take ages to get their batteries fully charged. You should find a good electric shaver in 2-3 grands. 
  • Ready your face before the shave like you are about to depart on a war: Now that you know we are masters at exaggerating things, let’s talk about how should you prepare your face before a shave. Firstly, make sure that the blades of the razors are not old, stained or rusted. Never use a blade that’s not fresh out of the packaging. If you intend to use the same blade that you used in April, please don’t committ this crime. Such blades might might have rusted particles which can cause septic. Also, worn out razors will result in a lot of cuts.It’s safer to keep your kit clean. Never put a razor in hot water because it causes the blade to swell and become dull. To ready your skin, wash it properly, apply a mild scrub face wash, dab your face with warm (not hot) water so that the pores open properly and the hair becomes soft and easy to to be cut. Then, move one to the application of shaving foam or cream. The latest fad is easy to use foams, but it’s safer to apply shaving cream using a brush which softens the hair in a much better manner than the foam. However, if you are visiting a barber to get the shave done, opt for foam. You can never trust the kit of the barber.  Also, leave the cream for a few minutes on the face so that it can further soften the hair.  If your facial hair is dense, trim it first.
  • How to move the razor: It’s better to set forth with the sides of your face. The strokes of the razor should be short and slow and move in the direction your hair is growing. While sides are easy to shave, chin, neck, upper lip and throat can be really tricky so be very careful while you are focussing in these areas. 
  • What to do when you are done shaving: Rinse your face throughly with clean and cold water, pat dry, and then splash some aftershave. Since shaving removes a layer of dead cells on the skin, you must moisturise your skin after the shave. In the initital days of shaving, don’t shave too frequently, once or twice a week should be more than sufficient. 

Tips For Master Stroke
  • Alcohol-free shaving cream and lotion are best for your skin. You can also try herbal products. They are the best bet whenever you are in doubt. Shaving creams also vary according to skin type, so you can choose accordingly. 
  • Disposable razors should be replaced every week. If you are using an electric razor, change the blade as soon as you feel the blades have become dull. 
  • Never shave against the grain or upwards because it leades to rashes and cuts. Also, don’t shave over pimples or cuts. Be extra careful while using an electric razor if you already have a cut on the face.  
  • Shave with moderate pressure, which you master as with repeated shaves. Technically, the razor should glide over your face. If you notice that the hair has not been removed even after the shave, you should apply more pressure.  
  • Never shave at a time when you are in a hurry because shaving needs some amount of patience. It might sound like a no advice but it actually can prevent a lot of cuts and nicks. 
  • A shaving brush should be soft enough to form enough lather and hard enough to raise the hair, so it’s advisable that you always go for a right mix of gentle and hard bristles. While applying the cream using the brush, always move the brush in circular motion. 
  • The blade of the razor should land on your skin at 45 degrees or less. If not done so, the chances of nicks and cuts can happen frequently. 
  • Never ever rub your skin after the shave. 

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