This 13YO Raps Better Than Eminem

    • TNN
    • Publish Date: Dec 5 2016 12:22PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Dec 5 2016 12:22PM
This 13YO Raps Better Than Eminem

Sparsh, The Little Rockstar Who Can Give Eminem A Run For His Money

We all have this innate habit of whining. We make a hullabaloo of trivial things and worry about petty problems. It is when we come across a strong personality, that we realise how silly we and our problems are, and how great people manage problems and emerge as winners in life. Meet Sparsh, a little rockstar, who showed us exactly that. Bound to a wheelchair because of Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a disorder which affects the bones and breaks them, Sparsh Shah doesn’t let it affect him. He has accepted that he can’t walk or run like other kids of his age, but there are also many things that Sparsh can do but kids of his age can’t. For starters, he is a rapper and a music composer! 

A confident public speaker, Sparsh has performed on several community events and has appeared on many radio and TV shows. Here’s a 13-year-old child prodigy that will definitely teach you a lesson or two about life...

Since when have you been singing? When did you decide that you want to do what you’re doing today?
I started singing ever since I learnt to speak. Whenever my mom, dad used to sing a song wrong, I was the one who corrected them. When my parents recognized my interest for music, they then enrolled me for piano lessons. But then my bones started getting hurt while playing and we stopped. We then decided to start singing, and that’s how all started.

Your cover of Eminem’s ‘Not Afraid’ is quite popular. Why did you choose Eminem and his music particularly to cover your songs?
Because his lyrics are inspiring, though not many of his songs are kids-friendly. His story is inspirational because he came from welfare and is a multi-millionaire now.

What other than music interests you?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a paleontologist because I was crazy about pre-historic animals. So, I still like to read about dinosaurs. I love drawing sketches and playing video games.

What motivates you in life?
I draw motivation from everywhere. Whether it is my parents, relatives and friends. But my biggest motivation comes from God himself because I have to do God’s will to reach the best of my abilities. 

You don’t sound like a teenager at all. You talk like a mature adult. Where does this maturity come from?
I really don’t know. But I guess, simply put,  I have a deeper understanding about life. 

Who are your idols?
I do not have any idols. God is my idol and I think we are own heroes. My parents are my role models. I think being yourself is something you can do better than anybody else. 

How important is your parents’ support in your life?
Their support is extremely, extremely important. In fact, I call my dad- daddager, a daddy manager because he would be up till 3 in the night updating my social media page and reaching out to people. 

You’ve got the kind of spirit where nothing seems difficult for you. Is there anything difficult for you?
Of course besides physical limitations like walking and running, there is absolutely nothing that I cannot do. I think that everything is possible and nothing is impossible.

What message do you have for people who look up to you for inspiration?
No matter whatever happens in your life, do not give up. There will be obstacles in your life, where you feel you cannot do things. At such times, you’ve got to believe in god and push yourself. You have to believe in miracles and then work hard towards achieving your goal.

Here's Sparsh rapping! 


 Do you know someone equally inspirational? Tell us about them.


Bhavana Jaison Atomic Energy Central School No 2

Wow...really inspiring...Keep it up Sparsh.

Ishika New era

That was wow!! Good going buddy.!




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