Should We Colonise Venus Instead of Mars?

    • Publish Date: Sep 17 2016 4:59PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Sep 17 2016 5:11PM
Should We Colonise Venus Instead of Mars?

Venus is the Earth's closest planetary neighbour. It is known as Earth’s twin and was once habitable. So why this planet is not on the radar of space exploration? Whereas, some experts believe that Venus is more suited for building a future human colony compared to Mars…
Public fascination with Mars started in 1897 with the release of sci-fi novel The War of the Worlds by English author H. G. Wells. It was the first major work to explore the concept of the "extraterrestrial invader" and exerted a considerable influence on the public psyche.  Consequently, Mars began to take a special place in popular culture around the turn of the 20th century which has continued to this day. We all know that the Red Planet has inspired numerous movies, literature, television series and not to forget “a Twitter following for Mars Rover that is 2 million strong.” 
On the other hand, Venus has surprisingly remain absent from our consciousness. This has hurt our sister planet not in terms of publicity in pop culture but in space policy. Countries around the world are planning to send manned and unmanned mission to Mars whereas Venus has been totally overlooked. 

 Do you think that Venus is more conducive to set up a future human colony compared to Mars? Let’s know in the comments below. 

Things that goes in favour of  Venus 
In fact, as the video by PBS Space Time explains, Venus is much easier and less costly to colonize. For starters Venus is much closer to Earth. Depending on the launch window, “the round trip can be 30 to 50% shorter compared to Mars.” This will save us a lot of money and time in case we planned to build a future human outpost. Let’s also not forget that Venus and Earth are almost the same size, have about the same mass, and have a very similar composition. The surface gravity on Venus is about 91% of the surface gravity on Earth. Venus also has a thicker atmosphere, unlike Mars, which means more protection from harmful UVs. And being nearer to Sun means there is no shortage of solar power. 

So , where is it lagging 
Well, the biggest problem with Venus is the scorching surface temperature.  The average temperature on Venus is 462 degrees Celsius. That is roughly 410 degrees hotter than the hottest deserts on our planet. Also, the atmospheric pressure on the surface of Venus is unbearable and here is the icing on the cake:  The clouds on Venus rain sulfuric acid. 
What’s the way out
Artist's concept of a Venus cloud city 
Well, the scientists say that we don’t have to land on the surface of the Venus. What they are proposing is floating human outposts/cities above Venusian surface. Scientists say that an altitude of 50km (30 miles) the conditions on Venus are as close to Earth's as you'll find anywhere in the solar system. In fact, Nasa has unveiled a project called HAVOC (High Altitude Venus Operational Concept) to make this happen. The HAVOC model involves placing the astronauts inside an 'aeroshell'. But HAVOC would avoid the surface, instead hovering about 50 kilometers up in Venus' thick, carbon-dioxide-dominated air.
Up there, conditions are much more manageable; atmospheric pressure is roughly what we're used to, and the average temperature is 75 degree Celsius—around 25 degree Celsius hotter than the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Even our current technology is more than capable to contend with everything that Venus could throw at the mission. But how will the structure stay in the atmosphere? Nasa says, the aeroshell will float with the help of helium. 
But to make this happen, robotic missions would have to be sent to test technologies and better understand the atmosphere. 

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Amish Agarwal Goldcrest High Vashi

It will be the greatest achievement to colonise on Venus but I still feel that first we should settle on Mars since Mars not as hot as Venus, secondly air colonies can also be created there. Although it takes a lot of fuel to reach Mars, I believe that in future science can search for an alternative for that too..

Bhavana Jaison Atomic Energy Central School No 2

I strongly believe that if NASA '' HAVOC mission is successful then it will help us to have similar missions over other planets too.

Priyanshi Banerjee Somerville school, Greater Noida

It''s a good thought! Colonising Venus! but I think main priority should be given to Mars as it is a more suitable place to survive as compared to Venus.


Well colonizing Venus seems a great thing and scientists should try to gather as much information as possible about Venus but looking at the present conditions it''s easier to colonize Mars because of the extensive knowledge and information about the planet.


It is to hard to guess but although how much i now that mars is the more safer place than compare to our earth also . And it will also be difficult to take risk on any one . And the fuel will be wast on it when it will not get succesful .


let us work on Mars first ....Venus is very hot

Himanshi Dhawan Saffron Public School

It will be great if we start venturing to Venus but I also strongly feel that first we should complete our research on Mars. How can we forget that the Roman God of War has opened a new window in the world of cosmos? First, done up with Mars, then Venus!


No, I don''t think we should colonize Venus at all, as it said to be hotter than Mercury itself. Lets take a small step towards living in Mars first and then, if technology permits, we can risk living in Venus.

Aman.kumar Sree Narayana Vidya Bhavan

Venus is the Earth''s closest planetary neighbour. It is known as Earth’s twin and was once habitable. So why this planet is not on the radar of space exploration? Whereas, some experts believe that Venus is more suited for building a future human colony compared to Mars…

Sarath Kumar RM Bethel Mat Hr Sec School

No it''s not possible to colonize venus by us. Because is rich with sulphuric acid in it''s atmosphere. Great researches have to be done to overcome this disadvantage.

Sarath Kumar RM Bethel Mat Hr Sec School

The red planet MARS is suitable for our colonization. It has many similar characteristics that of the earth. Moreover the planet has a good atmosphere and more amount of water.

Keshav Ramamurthy Sri Sankara Global Academy

Why would you want to colonize Venus? Isn''t it bad enough that our mother Earth herself is dying? Do we need to use the technology that we got by ruining all the resources of the Earth, to colonize another planet?

Vishnu Varthan J Bethel Mat Hr Sec School

I think people should think now. Why we should colonise the planet?.We have are living in a beautiful planet.How the people are thinking to change the things to other planet?




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