Lessons From India's First Failure Conclave

    • admin@nie.com
    • Publish Date: Oct 3 2016 11:47AM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Oct 3 2016 12:17PM
Lessons From India's First Failure Conclave

A unique 'Failure Conclave' was held in Dehradun on Sunday featuring sessions by a number of Padma Shri awardees who had faced failures in their academic careers but later went on to do exceedingly well in life.
Speakers at the conclave included Ayurvedic practitioner Vaidya Balendu Prakash, poet Leeladhar Jaguri and activist Avadhash Kaushal who stressed upon the fact that failure is often a necessary ingredient for success.
Balendu Prakash, Padamshree awardee Auryedic practitioner said, he too failed twice in school while his siblings always stood first in their classes. He was quoted as saying, " When one door is closed, destiny opens many doors for you. Had I excelled in studies, I too would have ended up becoming public servant like my siblings and, not a successful Ayurvedic practitioner which I am today."
Another Padamshree recipient and poet, Leela Dhar Jaguri, who also left studies for a longer haul and left home for 11 years when he lost his mother and was married off in childhood said that he did not let any inferiority complex came his way and pursued his interest in writing and reading. 

How to overcome failure?
1.  Realise that nothing worthwhile will come easy: We are such an instant gratification society. We want things and we want them now. Why should we have to wait when we have on-demand everything? From fast food to high-speed Internet access, along with a growing impatience for just about everything, it's no wonder failure hurts so much. We are so used to getting what we want and getting it quickly that we don't realize just how much work and effort it's going to take to achieve something notable. It takes time. But during that time, as we make the journey towards our goal, we build character and reach new understandings, possibly even discover a deeper meaning to our lives.

2. Ignore the naysayers, because they will be out in full force: The human mind works tirelessly to avoid pain. In fact, it does just about anything to avoid pain in any capacity. Part of the pain of failing has to do with dealing with other people telling you "I told you so," or "You should have listened to me," and "Quitting while you were ahead would have been a smarter move." The naysayers will be out in full force. But don't listen to them. Ignore their calls and their cries to celebrate your demise. And just put your head down and keep plugging away. Just realize that people will always be there to celebrate your demise, but the true friends will be there to celebrate your successes and help inspire and push you to achieve your goals.

3. Success leaves clues, search for them high and low: While failure might be difficult, it's also a time when we tend to search for clues, because success leaves clues. Seek and you shall find. Search for someone whose success you're trying to emulate in whatever field it is you're trying to achieve your goal in. Then, look for clues. What did they do? How long did it take? How many times did they fail? People simply don't realize that some of the most successful people have failed the most times. But the most significant distinction is that those people didn't give up. That's the biggest difference between those that succeed and those that don't -- their unrelenting spirit of persistence.

4. Look at it as a chance to face down your fears: Sometimes, it isn't even the failure itself that scares people; it's the fear of failing that holds them back from doing something. But, overcoming failure is also a chance to face down your fears. It's a chance to overcome that innate desire to run far away and cower in some corner. The pain-pleasure paradigm is very real. We will always do more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure. But, when we can leverage that knowledge and overcome our fears to achieve our goals, a transformational shift occurs. There's an incredible feeling that goes along with it, and it's an invaluable experience to pave the way for a lifetime of achieving goals.

5. Use failure as a learning experience: When we fail, it should be a chance to learn from our mistakes. When we can use that knowledge, put it behind our belts, and push forward, some tremendous things can happen. There are a number of ways we can actually learn from the failure, but in order to do so, we need to look at the failure objectively, like an outsider looking in. Ask yourself why you failed. Where did you go wrong? What could you have done differently? Was it your plan? Was it because you failed to see something you should have seen? Did a bad habit do you in? Really look at it objectively and learn from it. Use that knowledge to improve yourself and try again. As long as you don't give up, you can always overcome failure to achieve your goals.

Celebs who have failed before they tasted success
I was a terrible student and not much of a sportsman either. There was nothing great about me. My father was a government clerk and I lived in a tiny room with 14 other people. But I had dreams and that determination has never left me
Anupam Kher

Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star because his editor felt he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas."


Oprah Winfrey was publicly fired from her first television job as an anchor in Baltimore for getting "too emotionally invested in her stories."

Steven Spielberg was rejected by the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts multiple times.

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P.S Geethanjali Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Sri Venkateswara vidyalaya,T

Everyone must have heard "Practice makes man Perfect".I believe it.We have to try even after repeated failures.I have even read The King and the Spider story and I was greatly inspired by it.We need to forget the past and think about the future itself.As the myth says,If one door closes definitely a door would be waiting open for you and you can pass through it only if you search your way.I wish India best of luck.Jai Hind����!

Bhavana Jaison Atomic Energy Central School No 2

Encouraging write up. Motivate children to keep on trying and believe in ones talent and capabilities.

Himanshi Dhawan Saffron Public School

In life, we should remember only one thing,"Never, never, never, never, never, ever give up". Fight until your last breath. What stops you ~ Age, Inability or the society? Ignore everything and always strive to give your best. Hard work always pays!!! India is awaiting happier times for sure. Good luck!!! Jai Hind!!!

Om Badiyani Sandipani

It''s all about hardwork.

Vandana Subash City International School Wanowrie

Its an innovative and inspirational idea to have a failure conclave like this.Yes,failure should be used as a ladder to climb to success and should not discourage us.

Onkarpreet Bhavan Vidyalaya

Dedication and hard work are the only keys to success. Such stories of failures leading to success are indeed inspirational. As a student, one must always keep in mind that one failure doesn''t mean complete failure. Strive for success, work hard. Sir Napoleon Hill had said," One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat."


Simply hardwork is a key to success !!


Failure should not be identified as an end but a new beginning, but this time more strongly. Failure is something that everyone at some point of their life has to face. But what was to happen has happened. Walking towards your goal with a smile on your face and courage in your heart is all what it takes to be the next you. Learning from your failure is what some of the greatest men of History have done to attain success.


Failure compels students to work hard . When failed , work hard and never ever give up. Remember, a winner spends time by practicing and a failure wastes time by thinking how to work hard . Failure is the first key to success. .




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