How Do You Hurt The Environment?

    • Publish Date: Sep 26 2017 3:39PM
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    • Updated Date: Sep 27 2017 11:52AM
How Do You Hurt The Environment?

Spotted a wrapper on the road, waste not getting segregated, plastic cups being used? Feel bad about it yet helpless? 

Now we know everyone feels alarmed about the ongoing environmental issues, but still end up using disposable non-biodegradable items (plastic bags, bottles, metal scraps, rubber tyres, glass, CDs, DVDS) and or using pollution-causing modes of transportation or wear clothes that have been made using chemicals that harm the ecosystem. 

Even environmentalists feel the heat
Arun Krishnamurthy (environmental activist and founder, Environmentalist Foundation of India) admits to this feeling of guilt on being unable to avoid air travel. He says, “Recently, I had to travel to Chile for a climate change conference. Ironically, we took four flights to reach our destination!” Another example of green guilt is expressed by Josh Dorfman, author of ‘The Lazy Environmentalist,’ who admits on his blog that he doesn’t recycle all the plastic he owns and uses disposable diapers for his toddler. 

So what’s the way forward?  
Krishnamurthy says a policy-based reform is the only way forward when it comes to completely abandoning the use of non-biodegradable items. But until that happens, there are several healthy habits you start with that are good for your beloved planet earth. 

Make a start! 
Activists suggest you begin with recycling stationery, create a little garden (even in pots) of your own and avoid using disposable materials like pens, balloons, plastic spoons. Remember ‘progress, not perfection.’

Be the change you want to see...

Shop for it
Dorfman says that we can consume our way saving the planet. And no, that doesn't mean buy more, rather invest in green products. He says “This is an opportunity for people to consume better, creating much less impact on the environment as a result.”

Work with your fellow students
As an environmentalist, Krishnamurthy has led several successful missions to clean many lakes across India. He works frequently with students and emphasises on the importance of volunteering opportunities. “From adopting lakes or parks in neighbourhood to organising waste management projects in apartment complexes to turning your  schools premises green... Everything is possible,” he concludes. 

Educate yourself
Step out of your comfort zone and  educate yourself on animals, forests and rivers of India. Knowledge is power! 

Solutions for green guilt syndrome

Ball point pens
I shudder to think the number of ball point pens I have used and thrown till now. And that’s not me alone. Everybody ends up using them although they end up in landfills on account of being too small for recycling operations. 

Parvathi Sajiv, class XII, Bhavan’s Adarsha Vidyalaya, Ernakulam
Take action: Nothing like going old school with a pencil or a reusable fountain pen. 

Paper wastage
My green guilt is wastage of paper, killing of innumerable trees. I tear up pages, without a thought if i’ve made a mistake while doing school or rough work. I don’t even know how many times I do this in one day. Hina Naela, IX, GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow 
Take action: Use spare pages of old notebooks. You can also buy notebooks made of recycled paper

Poor waste management
My waste management skills are horrible! Instead of separating the waste, and assigning them to the recycle and reuse bins, I tend to throw everything into one big pile that disappears in the garbage truck. 

Ojaswi Sharma, class XII, Bhavan Vidyalaya, Panchkula
Take action: Keep the recycle and reuse bins alongside the normal trash so you don’t forget 

Water wastage
We use solar water heaters during winter season. But getting the water to perfect temperature means getting the right combination of hot and cold water. A lot of cold water just gets thrown away.  

Nipun B Nair, class X, National Public School, Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru
Take action: Plan for it! First add the hot water in the bucket, then add the cold water slowly. 

Plastic bags
It’s difficult to avoid the edibles that come wrapped in plastic wrappers or containers. Once, after eating chips, I happened to throw away the wrapper on the road as I couldn’t find a dustbin around. I utilise a dustbin when it is there. But what can one do when there are no dustbins around? 

Srijita Chakraborty, class X, BDMI, Kolkata

For me, plastic bags have been an easy option and therefore, hard to refuse. I am guilty of accepting them from shopkeepers although I know they end up harming the environment. 

Sneheel Sarangi, class X, Apeejay School, Navi Mumbai

At some point I replaced plastic bags with recycled paper bags. However, they are not durable for heavy items and I went back to using plastic again. 

Diksha Jawa, class XII, Venkateshwar Global School, Delhi 

Take action: Carry a bag with you to dispose of waste. A cloth or jute bag may come in handy any time.

Q: Readers tell us about your green guilt that you feel helpless about. Suggest a solution!

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Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

Though I have a cycle, sometimes I tell mom to me to the school by two - wheeler but my school is somewhat near to my house. I really feel guilty about it. I also waste papers and water while bathing and washing hands. I''ve to very careful before doing such things which make me feel bad!

Prathamesh Kandale HILLGREEN SCHOOL

I see my friends throwing garbage,leather shoes and many more non-biodegradable things out in the open.but I don''t know why i keep quiet.In school also I come across this kind of behavior and my heart wants to explode in front of the assembly.nice article!eye-opener!




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