To Question Or Not To

    • Speaking Tree
    • Publish Date: Sep 14 2017 5:17PM
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    • Updated Date: Sep 14 2017 5:17PM
To Question Or Not To

Should we completely surrender to authority or should we question it? To grow, one needs to question, but, say Uma Ram and KS Ram, questions should be asked with humility and not with arrogance or vanity 

A young mother was proudly lauding her seven-year-old son’s habit of questioning everything. “Why this? Why that? Why should I do as you ask me to do? Why should I bow my head to elders,or at a temple? He will never accept anything without questioning; he wants you to explain the reason behind it....”She went on.The school teacher she was talking to said that’s very good.

“Children are like that,” she declared with a professional air. “My little pupils in the school are like that too,”she added. “They often get on my nerves,but then I tell myself it is good that they question and seek clarification.Never suppress your son when he questions you;answer him with patience,” she advised the young mother. The new educational paradigm encourages the habit of questioning. But in the domain of spirituality,the guru discourages it.

The moral code is to accept the guru’s words unquestioningly;to do what he bids you do instantly; between these two — who is right? Is it simply a matter of military obedience versus personal liberty, or is there a spiritual aspect involved here? Is the habit of questioning contra-spiritual? The empirical and the spiritual domains are essentially different.The empirical domain is what the Vedas call the domain of maya.All the sciences as we understand them belong to this domain.

 The formal schools of learning operate within this domain; physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics,economics, grammar, fine arts, physical and mental sports all relate to maya.The process of teaching and learning revolves around the 10 senses:the five karma indriyas and the five jnana indriyas.

If you cannot comprehend a point the teacher is making,then seek further explanation. If you have a doubt regarding what he is saying, raise the doubt. Question, albeit politely, till you are satisfied. It’s imperative to ask — is questioning the guru wrong in the spiritual domain? The guru does not impart knowledge; he imparts an experience.This experience is beyond the reach of imagination,because imagination is related to the intellect and the intellect belongs to maya. 

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Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

I feel it is good to question. But when we question our teacher we should be very polite and our intention should not be wrong. Questioning should be encouraged but it should not result in ignorance. When you raise a question Against something you''re intention should be good. So the way we question matters!

K.Sandeepkumar Bethel Mat Hr Sec School

I feel that to question us is right.




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