Pray From Your Heart

    • Speaking Tree
    • Publish Date: Nov 1 2017 2:27PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Nov 1 2017 2:27PM
Pray From Your Heart

You don’t need a style sheet for prayers. It is the emotion that counts. God is hungry for feelings not words, says SUDHANSHUJI MAHARAJ

Here is a powerful prayer from the Vedas which you should embrace in life and take to heart: “O God, I pray and bow to you in the evening as well as in the morning.Let my night begin with a prayer to you.O God, let every day be spent in prayer to you. O benevolent one, remover of all miseries, I bow to you in prayer again and again.” This is such an effective mantra; you should recite it everywhere: on the tranquil banks of a river, amid green environs, in a field brimming with flowers.

You should recite this mantra unfailingly; bow to God and say,“O God, you are smiling in the flowers, blooming in the buds, residing in every heart, and there is no place; where you are not.You delight in the playful shouts of children, beam in the eyes of a devotee, walk beside pilgrims, abound in the hands of a giver and abide in the songs of singers.You are everywhere, my God.

In all the voices and musical notes only your inspiration flows be you Rama or Krishna.You are my Shiva Shambhu, pure and wise, harmless, faultless and formless.You have many names but still are nameless.You are the light, you show the way, you are the parent; the protector of the poor and orphaned. “How shall I address you? By what name shall I call you? How shall I impress you? By what prayers shall I invoke you? You are omnipresent.

You are omniscient.All our songs and entreaties are for you. Everything in this world is yours.I am yours. “Please accept me, protect me; let me stay by your holy feet. Don’t let me go astray. If I lose my way, guide me back on the right path. Just as the river meets the sea, let me experience the bliss of knowing you.Fill this void in me with your divine presence.Complete me.” 

Direct Line To God 

Remember, when you pray, let your prayers spring from the heart.There is no need to scour for words.Words flow naturally when you pray from the heart. Give expression to whatever comes from the heart — be it the resolute words of Dhanna Jat, a Sikh mystic poet; or the strong will of Bhakt Shiromani Karmabai; the verses of the 16th-century blind Hindu devotional poet Surdas or the stanzas of the saint-poet, Tulsidas. 


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Hemalatha.G Sethu Bhaskara Matriculation Higher Secondary Scho

Satisfying article! Till last minute I thought repeating my same prayer will increase the power. But now I understand that it does not. Let us speak to our God with no words from now!

Ronit.R National Hill View Public School

This is very true .Lavish and elaborate pujas have no effect until we pray to God from our heart




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