Bhavana On Ancient Greek Weapons

    • Bhavana Jaison,
    • Standard: XII-B,
    • Atomic Energy Central School No 2,
    • Mumbai.

    • Publish Date: Dec 8 2016 4:15PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Feb 3 2017 4:36PM
Bhavana On Ancient Greek Weapons

Some of the ancient greek weapons were quite common, but were uniquely Greek. They were powerful and sophisticated .The weapons used in fighting wars were varied, powerful, and sophisticated. Some of the important weapons used in those wars are mentioned below.

The Xiphos:   The main battle sword of the ancient Greek military was the ‘Xiphos’. Introduced around 800—400Bc, it comprised a straight, double-edged, leaf-shaped blade of around 65cm and was particularly effective at slashing and stabbing. The Xiphos had a double-edged blade that rarely measured longer than 20 inches which made it useful in close range combat.

The Kopis: Was a one-handed, single-edged sword used by the Greeks. It measured around 36 inches with the blade curving forward and widening near the tip. It was longer than ‘Xiphos’ , the other prominent ancient Greek sword. Kopis was more useful to the cavalry because from the height of a horse’s back the cut of a Kopis will serve you better than the thrust of a ‘xiphos’ The Makhaira Mounted Greek cavalry used a curved sword, or ‘makhaira’ (meaning “to fight”). It had a large, slightly curved falchion-type blade and was designed to deliver a heavy slashing blow at speed.

Greek Fire: This weapon is the most fascinating ancient weapon. The formula of Greek fire was a closely guarded secret which has been lost and remains a matter of conjecture among scientists. The mixture was heated on cauldron on the ship and thrown at the enemy with a giant syringe. It continued burning while floating on water. Greek fire was used in naval battles and was responsible for many of many military victories.

The Spear:  A Greek infantryman’s main battle weapon was the spear. Measuring around 2.7m in length, it would have been held in one hand, while the shield was grasped in the other. The spearhead was leaf-shaped and was made of iron. At the butt of the shaft was a sharp bronze spike which could be thrust into the ground for added stability. In extremis, when the spearhead was broken, the sharp spike could be flipped around and used as a weapon.

Ballista: This was an ancient type of crossbow and was one of the most powerful weapons of Ancient Greece. The Ballista could fire many long range arrows at the same time and it was a weapon that was useful in attacking forts during sieges.

Warships:  Greece is surrounded by water. The earliest Ancient Greek warships were called pentekontors. They were long, narrow ships designed to go fast to overtake other ships and attack them. Pentekontors had twenty five oarsmen on each side to row the ship. Faster warships, triremes, were developed Around 500 BC that had seventy five oarsmen on each side and could go as fast as 14 knots in good weather.

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