Have A Disciplined Approach Towards Work

    • ET + Speaking Tree
    • Publish Date: May 26 2016 2:39PM
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    • Updated Date: May 26 2016 2:39PM
Have A Disciplined Approach Towards Work

With Prime Minister Narendra Modi completing two years in office we look at lessons that everyone should learn from him.

 Lesson 1: Have a disciplined approach

If there is one thing that Narendra Modi lives by, it is his discipline. Come what may, he is known for never moving away from his disciplined regimen. This is a great thing to learn and emulate from our Prime Minister. As a teenager, if you have a systematic and disciplined approach towards your work, your goals will seem more achievable. Chalk out a plan to meet the goals you have in mind and invest in it accordingly.


Lesson 2: Do away with the clutter

As soon as Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed office, he made it clear that he disliked clutter of any sort and thus began the cleaning drive beginning with the babus. The Prime Minister even made it clear that presentations had to be succinct to bring out the important issues to the forefront. Similarly, when it comes to learning lessons, take care to see that it is not done in haphazard manner.


Lesson 3: Believe you can

We all get distracted by critics, don’t we? Even the greatest Indian epic Mahabharata has a poignant side story on how Karna’s charioteer Shalya sows seeds of doubts in the mind of the great archer. But we have a better tale now, and it is not a myth. Modi believes in himself and backs his ideas.


Lesson 4: Only the tough get going         

The claims of development which Modi makes, have taken a lot of time to become a reality. When he joined as chief minister, he had to go through the previous communal structure of Gujarat, followed by the devastating earthquake in Bhuj. His leadership qualities and decisive nature helped him and Gujarat overcome the tough times and look ahead towards working as a model state. We face a lot of issues when we start our journey, sometimes it’s the parents and relatives who keep pulling you back and at other times, the resource just doesn’t work out and that is a turning point in every person’s journey. The ones who can’t fight, fail. The ones who stand tall, are the winners!


Lesson 5: Nothing happens overnight

Becoming the Prime Minister of India with majority was not something Modi pulled off overnight, it has been a slow, tiresome and rough 39 years of journey! You have a dream? You are working hard towards it? Congrats, you will get it – not today, not tomorrow, not even the day after! It takes real good time to see your dream become a reality. You should accept this fact and keep fighting the good fight with all thy might.


Lesson 6: Have a dream? Pursue it

There are many who are going to say “This is stupid – don’t daydream”, “What you think is not possible at all”, etc. They say it because they can’t do it – and it does not mean that YOU can’t do it! It’s your dream and it’s up to you to protect it and pursue it. Always remember: No dreamer is too small – No dream is too big.


Lesson 7: Be individualistic

Narendra Modi is a person who is individualistic, as he always wants to do everything in a different way and stand out from the crowd. He has used his individualistic characteristic constructively and has delivered his services with high quality. 

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