Are We Focusing On Leaving Earth More Than Saving It?

    • India Times
    • Publish Date: Dec 11 2019 1:13PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Dec 18 2019 7:14PM
Are We Focusing On Leaving Earth More Than Saving It?

Since the very first man entering space, humans have constantly looked at other planets either in search for extraterrestrial life or finding another planet that humans can call home, in case our planet turns inhabitable, due to the natural catastrophe it is currently going through. 

At a time where everyone from Elon Musk to NASA, Jeff Bezos to ISRO is trying to send more humans into space and colonize other planets in our solar system, there's a word of caution from a prominent physicist. Didier Queloz, this year’s Nobel Physics prize winner doesn’t feel humans are going anywhere away from the Earth in future, and should focus efforts to fight climate change. 

Moreover, he also strongly feels that we must put more focus on finding ways to cure climate change and our Earth’s sad state instead of cowardly finding a way out, only to destroy another planet.

He was one of the several Nobel laureates at a news conference in Stockholm discussing climate change where he stated, "I think this is just irresponsible because the stars are so far away I think we should not have any serious hope to escape the Earth.”

He further added, “Also keep in mind that we are a species that has evolved and developed for this planet. We're not built to survive on any other planet than this one," he said. "We'd better spend our time and energy trying to fix it.”

This statement was supported by other Nobel laureates on the panel. This happened at the same time as the two-week global summit on climate change was taking place in Madrid. They also urged the people of the planet to take climate change seriously.

Esther Duflo, Nobel Economics laureate, has stated that “people will need to change their behaviour, especially in rich countries.” who are known to consume goods and resources heavily.

Many of these consume energy thinking that it is generated using renewable energy. To this Duflo stated, "It would be great if that were the case but I don't think we can count on it necessarily."

What's your take? Share your views in the comments section below.


Ritika Maan DAV Model School (Yusuf Sarai)

I truly believe that we instead of finding the solution of the problem are focusing on the substitute of the planet Earth. I think that we should always be ready with PlanB but we should not forget that it is our own responsibility to save our planet Earth.


I think leaving earth and settling in some other planet is just a plan B, in case the climate change in earth gets out of control. This is because many people think global warming and climate change is irreversible and there will be a time soon when there is no option left other than leaving the planet.

Poorvi Sanu New Horizon Public School Airoli, Navi Mumbai

Are we focusing on leaving earth more than saving it?? I think we should explore other planets too, But I don’t think we should abandon our planet to go live on mars or any other planet. After all earth has ministered us for several billion year. First of all we can’t even ‘terraform’ which is to control our own planet , what makes us think that we can go to another planet and control the environment there ??? Name: Abhinav Sanu Grade: 5 School: New Horizon Public School , Airoli City: N


I think he is totally right .We need to focus on improvising something we have rather than wasting time, money and energy on something which we don''t have. Space explorations are cool but we need to think about our home earth too.

Vaishnavi Pandey Seth M.R Jaipuria School ,Babatpur

Its not wrong to look for other habitable planets in our universe, because it is true that we wouldn''t stay here forever, but that doesn''t mean that we should leave the task we have at hand, Our goal will always be to conserve Earth,




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